Ch 11

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Sorry for the late post and ropos thoughts are in italic. Just thought I'd let you know.
Ropo POV
The last two weren't his fault though why is he blaming himself then.

Ropo: jack why are you blaming yourself for Donny and Leo's death?

He looked at me and looked away with sorrow and regret in his gaze. It was awful I wanted to comfort him but I had to stay strong.

Jack: bc they.....oh HI!!
He said I whipped around at who he was looking at. Turns out he was looking at Satan, I felt myself start to sweat. Feeling really nervous now he was standing so close to me.

Satan: hello jack
Jack smiled at him but it didn't look forced kike I thought it would. It looked real like a genuine smile. I felt myself start to get sick and feel myself get dizzy.

I swayed on my feet for a minute then remembered that I had swallowed some water.

Maybe it was the water I thought but nobody said anything for awhile. I felt myself get more and more dizzy.

Ropo: j-jack I dint feel good anymore
I finally said turning around he looked at me, with regret in his eyes. He looked away for a minute then sighed.

Jack: Ropo.

Satan: go on jack tell him
I looked at jack like tell me what. What is happening I'm so confused. Jack continued to stare at the floor while I looked around for some help. I started backing away from jack and Satan.

Satan: don't run Ropo
I felt my breath hitch at the sound of his low voice. His crooked smile telling me something was extremely wrong.

Ropo: jack what is it?
I said while I kept a distance from him, all he did was stare at the ground. Like he was waiting for something to happen.

Jack: look at the ground and tell me what you see.

I looked at him weirdly for his request but looked anyway.

Ropo: jack seriously I dint see anything
I say and look up and see jack is gone.
Omg I am so stupid I thought as I looked at Satan. He was staring at me now, like he was expecting something from me.

Ropo: can you please not stare at me.
I mumbled uncomfortably under his gaze. He ignored me as I felt myself turn around and run. I beard his voice say to me

Satan: nice ass Ropo
I felt myself run faster after I heard that, where the fuck did jack go. I felt myself get more and more worried as it became night. I finally sat down and tried calming down.

Ropo: where could jack of gone?
I looked up again and there jack was looking at me. It felt weird and not like his usual soft loving eyes. This felt cold and hard with a hint of evil in them.

Ropo: jack are you okay...?
I finally decided to ask he blinked a few times which made me more nervous.

Jack: I'm sorry Ropo, I tried I really did
I looked at him weirdly

Ropo: I don't understand
I said staring at him for a little.

Jack: I tried to stop it Ropo but I can't

Ropo: stop what jack.
I said getting more and more confused by the minute.

Jack: I really tried there for you stop

Ropo: stop who!!
I finally yelled getting worried for jack the more he said sorry.

Jack: them.
My gaze lit up with confusion as he walked towards me. Something was in his hand, I backed away until I felt nauseous.

I put a hand on my stomach and wouldn't keep my eyes off jack. He looked at me with that same look of regret in his eyes as before.

Jack: like I said Ropo. I'm sorry it shouldn't of had to gone this way

Ropo: jack what are you doing
I said backing away feeling fear take over me. I had realized what was in his hand. A knife, he was going to kill me.

Ropo: jack you don't have to do this
He didn't respond but just stopped infront of me. I felt his warm breath on my face, how badly I wanted everything to go back to normal.

I finally got my strength back and pushed him away and ran. Faster than I have ever ran before. I heard his footsteps behind me closing in on me. I then heard shouting next to me I turned and looked and it was Satan.

I looked in fear as I felt jack get closer. I wanted to cry and beg him to come back to me. For everything to be normal again, but that wasn't going to happen.

I ended up tripping over a piece of something. I heard his footsteps get louder and I got up fast and started running. Feeling a new energy surge through me.

Ropo: you dint have to do this jack!!
I yelled back to him already feeling myself want to just give in. He never answered me but I knew he was still behind me. I glanced back and saw he was gaining speed and about to corner me.

I quickly climbed onto something and stayed there. Jack jumped up and put his knife to my throat.

Ropo: so after all we've been through your gonna do this
He looked at me with regret and sadness in his eyes. He said nothing though

Ropo: after the fact that I love you and I always will your still going to kill me.

He stared at me for a long time until I finally spoke up.

Ropo: well go ahead I'm done hiding from you do it. Kill me jack

But as I closed my eyes to not see what was about to happen. I never felt the knife go into me. I opened my eyes





To the


Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter and sorry that updates have been late. But you know I can't control that. Love you guys. I actually think this is the first time one of my books got 1,000 something words. 😂

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