Ch 9

111 3 6

Jack POV
I can't believe I just told Ropo that, he looks so confused. How am I going to explain this to him. It wasn't intentional I mean not all of them were. I mean I didn't mean to kill Donny or Leo. The others eh I mean maybe they were not accidents.

Ropo: y-you killed d-Donny and l-Leo!!
He finally was able to stutter and yell out at me. I honestly deserved it, none of what I did was intentional.

Jack: c-can I please explain

Ropo: idk if I want you too anymore
He said with anger dripping off his tongue,

Jack: fine.
I answered back getting angrier but I knew I needed his help to get out. We sat in silence for a few more minutes.

Jack: ropo. Can you find the key to

Ropo: let you out. Yeah give me a sec
I can't believe he said yes but then again, we are still in hell. If we get out of here then we can go to god and I can explain to him what happened. Then we get a wish and then we can go back to earth!!

I thought excitedly until I hears ropos frantic voice call out to me.

Ropo: Jack!!
I got up and tried to look for him but all I could see was darkness.

Jack: what's wrong Ropo!?

Ropo: jack we have a big problem!!!
He yelled again and it sounded like water, like it was dripping.

Jack: ropo why does it sound like water is dripping down here?
I finally asked feeling very, very worried about our safety.

Ropo: AH!!

Jack: Ropo!! What happened!!
I yelled frantically, I didn't get an answer until I felt something. I looked down and the place was filling up with water!! Fast..!!

Jack: Holy shit!!
I yelled as I jumped into the little bed I have down here.

Jack: where the fuck did you go Ropo!!
I yelled into the darkness but all I could hear was the sound of water as more and more came.

Ropo: I can't find the keys!!
I beard Ropo yell somewhere to the left of me I felt the bed start to move. I looked down and the bed was in the water!!

Jack: ropo fins those keys!!
I yelled to him, he didn't need a second telling. I heard the water around him splash as he tried swimming away.

Ropo: jack I just remembered.

Jack: what is it!?
I said eager to want to get out I would do anything. Even if it meant to break the bars infront of me.

Ropo: jack I can't swim in deep water....
I froze omg we're going to die down here.

Jack: how deep is it?
I finally asked

Ropo: pretty deep like chest deep.

Shit I thought Ropo is short if it's up to his chest that means it will only be up to my hips.

Jack: ropo I'm going to try and get out. You get out.

Ropo: NO!! I'm not leaving you down here!!
Ugh why do you have to be so stubborn right now. This is not the time for this.

Jack: Ropo we dint have much time left get out!!

Ropo: I told you I'm not leaving you!!
He argued back and I heard him come back And I dived under the water and went to the bars.

Jack: ropo you seriously need to go
I said to him all he did was look at me and shake his head stubbornly. Pretty hot if you ask me. No dint think like that jack!!

Jack: fine if you won't leave then you'll die with me how's that

Ropo: jack we can't die....we're already dead.

Jack: what are you talking about yes we can

Ropo: no...we can't

Jack: uh yes we can Ropo

Ropo: no we can't jack

Jack: yeah we can Ropo, we can die two times but the second time we die pearmently.

Oh shit he doesn't know!?

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter love you so much and have a good rest of your day!!

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