Ch 15

97 1 4

Ropo POV
I felt the weight in my chest lighten as I felt happy I wasn't alone. I slowly started to turn around.

???:don't turn around
They hissed at me, I stopped feeling kind of worried now.

Ropo: who are you..?
I asked I wanted a straight answer but I knew I wasn't going to get one.

???: you don't need to know that right now, just follow me
I turned around and they had there back to me but also had a hood on. I felt like I recognized there voice but I just didn't know who it was.

Ropo: do I know you..?
I started I wanted to try and figure out who this weirdo was. All they did was sigh and start going faster.

???: don't as questions just follow me
They said I felt kind of annoyed that they wouldn't tell me who they were. I still followed them. They lead me into a room in a underground like area.

Ropo: uhm where are we..?
I asked slowly feeling slightly scared now I had a feeling this person was going to kill me. They just laughed slightly at me. There voice felt so familiar though. I don't know why I can't recognize it.

???: you alright back there?
I heard there call come from ahead I hurried after them .

Ropo: perfectly fine. Where are we going..?
I tried to ask a sub they just started going faster and kept telling me to keep up. I started running behind them until I ran into them. They came to a sudden stop as I hit the ground behind them.

???: cmon let's go
They said I got up fast and walked slowly behind them. I shouldn't be feeling nervous right..? I should be fine but I keep thinking this was a bad idea.

I dint even know this person and I'm following them yeah uhm not the smartest idea I've ever had. We came to a stop I tried to look over Th were shoulder to see where we were.

???: we should be safe here
Safe!? I thought, I was safe back up there.

Ropo: uh what exactly am I safe from...?
I said as they pulled up a chair and beckoned me to sit down.

???: well everyone in heaven and hell included are uh gone as you've noticed
He started I slowly nodded my head feeling as if I'm talking to a giant brick wall.

???: well these people looking things have invaded and are taking everyone out.

Ropo: there k-killing them
I stuttered

???: there trying to kill them but it's not going so well

Ropo: why!?

???: because of your friend jack
I froze feeling relief and fear spread threw my body. How did this guy know jack and atleast jack is alright I hope.

Ropo: how do you know jack!?
He stayed silent for awhile until finally realizing I wasn't leaving him alone until he answered.

???: well....

Ropo: and how come you weren't affected or me

???: well you were in hell when it happened to heaven and when it happened to hell you were in heaven. Jack had gotten you over the border knowing something was going to happen.

Ropo: and you!?

???: well let's just say I was in the same situation.

Ropo: but I still don't know who you are
He sighed but then laughed a little I felt annoyed and embarrassed.

???: I really didn't think it would take you this long Ropo

I knew who this voice belonged too. I felt myself freeze feeling so stupid but wanting to cry.

Ropo: l-Leo

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Love you bye!!

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