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Jack POV

Jack: LET ME OUT!!!!
I screamed one last time before I felt like there was no use. I was locked up I can't do anything about that.

This reminds me of the EXE virus experience with Ropo. Ropo.....I miss him so much, I feel so upset that I lost this battle.

Let me explain
(Before jack got captured)
As I walked into satans house I felt like someone was watching me. Instantly. I wish Ropo was here.

Jack: hello Satan you here bro
I said trying to act cool, but it just made me look stupider. If that's even a word,

Jack: cmon I need to talk to you
I then felt a cold hand in my shoulder, I whipped my head around and saw what I think was Satan.

Jack: u-uh hi s-Satan

Satan: hello welcome to hell jack!! Hope your having a great time. Now get out
He said coldly as he glared at me to move out of his way.

Jack: look I just uhm had a question

Satan: do tell what is your question jack.

Jack: why am I in hell?
He stared at me blankly for a few seconds, but then his smile got wider with each second we stood there. His smile would just widen at the sight of me.

Satan: I can't tell you that you already know!!
He said to me laughing to himself but when he realized I didn't find it funny. Boy was he mad

Satan: Jack. You have to pay attention to people right Jacky

I froze, feeling my blood run cold and I don't remember much after that other than the fact I woke up in a dungeon.

And here we are now
( back in the present)
I honestly don't know where I am, or why I'm here in hell.

What did I do? All of a sudden someone came down. I looked up and then saw what I think was a look alike of.....ME!?

Jack: uhm why do you look like me?
I finally asked feeling more and more suspicious than ever.

Devil: oh you'll find out
I stared after them.

What did that mean!?

Was he dressed like me and went out!?

What did he do as me!?

Hey guys hope you enjoyed the chapter next chapter will be out in Thursday!!
Love you guys have a great day or night, afternoon!!

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