Ch 10

114 1 6

Jack POV
I kept trying to break the bars as Ropo tried to find where he dropped the keys. Omg how could he drop the keys.

Ropo: were going to die down here jack

Jack: no we're not don't think like that
I argued back trying to stop the panic in my voice from rising. Ropo just went silent and kept going under water and coming back up.

He finally looked at me his wet hair in his eyes as he flipped it back. He had tears in his eyes and I dint blame him for wanting to cry.

Ropo: jack what did you say about how we can die twice

I looked at him completely forgetting the only a few minutes ago conversation.

Jack: we die once we go to hell or heaven, we die twice we're forgotten completely
He flinched all of a sudden and went under.

Jack: ropo this isn't funny
I said trying to hide my fear as he didn't come up for a few more seconds. Maybe he's just trying to find the keys.

But then he didn't come up for 2 minutes and that's when I went under. I dived under trying to look for him.

Oh shit where did he go!?
I thought panicked when I saw him lying in the floor. I dived further down and grabbed his arm through the bar. I tried pulling him up but it was no use. I couldn't pull him up bc of how much the bars are separating us.

Jacks mind: god damn you bars
I thought and tried again I finally got him up, he was basically passed out as I kept trying to break the bars.

Jack: omg you people are such dickheads
I yelled into thin air feeling myself want to give up all hope on being saved. Then I saw a bright light coming towards us.

Jack: Help!!!
I screamed the bright light suddenly turned my way and I saw it come closer.

Jacks mind: yes!!
I thought and I was so excited, it was an angel!! She was holding a lantern as she went under and found the keys. She unlocked my cage and I swam out with Ropo in my back.

When we got out I looked at her as she was about to leave.

Jack: Wait!!
I yelled she turned back around and just stared at me. Waiting for me to start talking

Jack: thank you
I said she nodded her head and ran the other direction. I sat down and out ropos head in my lap and started combing his hair with my hands. He started to stir so I stopped as he sat up.

Ropo: j-jack what happened
I looked at him and explained the whole thing. He looked at me with such sad and tears eyes as last time.

Ropo: I'm so sorry

Jack: it's okay

Ropo: jack why did you kill those people.

Jack: well I killed missy and coco bc they were just plain out bitches and they just annoyed me in how much they hurt you.

Ropo: what about Donny, jake and Leo
I looked at him suddenly feeling guilt travel through my body.

Jack: well I killed jake bc I overheard him talking about killing you, so I killed him.

Everything went silent for a few minutes I really didn't want to explain my reasons for the last two. They were both accidents and I just don't think Ropo wants to hear it.

Ropo: jack what about Leo and Donny
He said to me with kind of hatred in his voice,

Jack: me and Donny were kind of testing out the swords and we're sword fighting. I accidentally stabbed him and rushed him to the hospital but they couldn't save him.

Ropo: and Leo
He said with so much sorrow in his voice it broke my heart to see him like this.

Jack: me and Leo were hanging out being stupid people

Ropo: as usual
He said in annoyance at me, I flinched and continued with the story.

Jack: he-he then f-fell o-off the

Jack: ........bridge........

Hey guys I know I promised to say why he killed them in the last chapter but, stupid me forgot so....yeah hope you enjoyed this chapter bye guys!!!

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