The Boar Hat Tavern

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Three weeks has passed since Elizabeth and Meliodas made their promise to each other. They grew closer and each day he sat next to her in class. Zaneri has gone missing. Holy knights across the land were searching for the student.
Meliodas didn't pay much mind. Elizabeth and the sins distracted him from anything else. He was finally happy with where he was.
Elizabeth had felt the same about him. Each day she spent with him she grew happier and more confident around others. He made her feel special and like it was okay to be whoever she wanted to be. She cherished him.
Meliodas tells her about the traveling tavern he owns just out of Camelot. On the days he didn't work they would walk to their favorite spot after school and spend hours together. Their affection grew with each secretive meeting. All they wanted was to enjoy each other and build a deeper connection.
It was now Friday evening, Elizabeth was getting ready to meet everyone at the tavern. Diane had went ahead with King. Elaine stayed back with her to make sure she got there safely.

Elizabeth's POV:

"You and Meliodas must be closer then you guys show at school. He never invites anyone to the Tavern besides the sins. He must really like you" Elaine giggled. She was waiting for me to finish getting dressed.

"Meliodas and I are close. I don't mean to keep things from you and Diane. We just want it to run deeper then it does now. We want to be ready to have each other forever. Besides he helps me with my studies and I help him. We even spar sometimes. Hes really powerful. I think he holds back like me though." I stood there in thought.

"Earth to Elizabeth?" Elaine waved a hand to catch my attention. "S-sorry I was lost in thought." I laughed and finished getting dressed, throwing on my shoes and leaving with Elaine.

Timeskip ~ Arrival

We walked up the path to the tavern, Ban and Meliodas both had cups filled to the rim of Vanya Ale. There were tents pitched up and a campfire started. A wide smile spread across my face. "I LOVE CAMPING!" I said excitedly.

"Me too Ellie, come on let's go" She grabbed me and pulled me towards Meliodas and Ban. I heard them arguing about about arm wrestle battles. It got pretty heated up until Ban noticed Elaine. "Cap'n I can't engage. The level of power we possess is far too great~" Ban said dramatically, a hand on his forehead.

Meliodas chimed in "Our Princesses would be blown away. I agree we must settle this later!" He stood up with an extra sprinkle of dramatic flare and pointed towards the sky. Ban and him shook hands and nodded at each other.

Elaine and I laughed so hard I had felt like I had been working out for hours when we finally settled down. Meliodas was precious existence.

The rest of the gang arrived and we all sat around the fire, Ban making each of us toast marshmallows for s'mores.

"Okay so it's like this, 10 years ago Ban came to the Demon realm to train under my master at the time, Chandler. One day were going head to head in this all out battle for this awesome sword and he says 'I'm betting I can win more arm wrestling matches than you.' I laughed so hard I couldn't help but agree to his challenge. Since then I've won 361 battles." He explained proudly.

"No way cap'n I won 361" Ban laughed and poured more ale into his cup. I could tell he was already getting drunk and feeling all on Elaine. "Umm I think you had too much" she said reaching for his cup. "No way babe I'm just getting started!" We all laughed

"Moderation isn't a word in your vocabulary is it?" King said sighing in disappointment. "Oh lighten up king, have fun" Diane smiled at him, her face flushed. Shes been drinking ale too with the rest of the gang. "D-diane you've been drinking too?" He said while hesitantly taking the drink.

"Well duh. It's not everyday we catch a break from reality like this." She laughed. "Hey cap'n, Escanor and Merlin making it tonight?" Ban asked Meliodas.

"Merlin's coming with Arthur but Gowther and Escanor were sent on a mission from Liones." He stated "Wait a mission from Liones?" I asked worried. "Yup, Bartra says the Rebellion has been attacking the townsfolk. He found out that Nova had teamed up with the traitors of the demon realm. He says their goal is to erase humankind. That's why the academy has been hard on us lately." He explained.

My home was under attack. It was all the more of a reason to keep getting stronger. The school taught us how to defend ourselves and in our ability classes we are taught how to summon and control our powers. Each of us training for our kingdoms.

"Extended school days are still the worst" Ban complained leaning back on Elaine. "Yeah you said it. It's starting to affect my mental health" King joked causing everyone to smile and laugh.

"Well this is a nice sight, right Arthur?" A beautiful woman walked up to us, she was my height and slim with black hair that just surpassed her shoulders. "Yes, it's so nice to hear everyone's laugh again" a boy a smidge taller than Merlin was behind her, he had light orangeish hair and light hazel eyes. His arm was wrapped around her.

"Yo you made it!" Meliodas cheered. The rest of them saying their hellos and beckoning them to join our circle. Meliodas came and sat in front of me, leaning back and wrapping my arms around him. His hand intertwined with one of mine.

He was finally comfortable enough to do this more around the sins. It was everything I wanted. I snuggled into him. "Captain I see you found someone other than that Zaneri." Merlin said almost shocked. "Come on my lady let them be. She's beautiful Meliodas" Arthur interrupted, their comments making me blush hard. "She is. Elizabeth this is Merlin of the Sins and the king of camelot Arthur Pendragon." Meliodas introduced. "Its a pleasure to meet the two of you!" I said happily.

"Believe me the pleasure is ours" Merlin smiled. Diane poured them drinks and we all laughed under the stars. Everyone was engaging in the conversations and there wasn't one unhappy soul.

We told stories, drank and when Diane fell asleep we all decided to head into the tents. Meliodas asked me to share his and I agreed. We got in and laid down with each other. He had wrapped his arms around me and I placed my head on his chest. Shutting my eyes and falling asleep to the beat of his hearts.

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