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Time passed quickly for our heros. Before they even knew it the time had come to test their strength in an all out battle. Merlin needed to know their odds against the real threat and this was the only way she knew how to properly assess their newfound abilities.

She prepared the battlefield with Arthur by her side. The sins decided to take the night to strengthen their bond as a family. Whatever happened tomorrow would not break their trust in one another.
It was a chilly early December evening. The weather had been acting very strange in Britannia lately.
Meliodas sat alone in the living room in front of the lit fireplace. He enjoyed the warmth it gave him after showering and being outside polishing his technique for the afternoon.

Meliodas' POV:

What a month. Elizabeth and I have been training non stop after the ball and my feet can't take much more abuse.
I don't even want to get started on school. If they had us preparing for such a dangerous mission they should've taken us out of school. It annoys me to even think about it.

"Meliodas? Are you ready to go? Diane and King are meeting up with Ban and Elaine already."

Elizabeth's sweet voice gave me a little motivation to move. With a loud groan I stood up and offered my hand to her.
"Are we flying?" She asked excitedly. It really helps that she loves flying just as much as I do. "What other way to make an entrance?" I replied as I released my wings. She wrapped herself around me tightly.

I took a second to breathe in her scent, its my favorite in all existence. "Ready my love?" I asked her. That beautiful face turning bright red before she replied. "Y-yes."

I took off.

Timeskip~ Arrival.

We landed at the entrance of the hidden jungle. The others had already arrived.

"King you have the key right?" Elaine asked excitedly. We didn't tell Elizabeth where we were going and she's been torturing me about it since we all decided to go out.

"Key?" Ellie's curiosity was just too cute I almost don't want her to know.
"This is the key to the enchanted garden. When we formed this group we needed a secret base. Merlin came up with enchanting a key to conceal it. We never use it anymore so captain decided it was time to visit."

King explained to her while handing the key to me. "Sorry for not showing you sooner. I kinda forgot it even existed."

I walked up to one of the jungle trees and inserted the key into it. A huge enchanted door appeared in its place.

Elizabeth's POV:

"Woww!" The door was made of wood that looked like millions of tiny diamonds sparkled on top of it. Meliodas laced his fingers with mine and opened the beautiful door.

He pulled me into a magical valley that had all different kinds of wild flowers blooming. A gigantic rainbow cherry blossom tree sat in the middle. To the left of the tree was a cozy looking cabin with a fire pit right outside of it. I noticed the fire had already been lit.

"Meliodas this is AMAZING! How come you never brought me here before? I love it! It's like a place you only see in your dreams" he laughed and smiled at me. His precious emerald eyes glistening as the light from the sunset turned his hair even more golden than before.

"I told you I forgot about it. It's been 13 years since we've used it. Come on let's go have a drink with the others."

I was happy. This place made me feel so safe and content. We walked over to the cabin, going inside and sitting down with the others.
Ban poured us all drinks.

"A toast. We finally made it everyone! It's time to test our strength and then hit the battlefield. Whatever happens we are family." Everyone had a mug in their hands and held up their glasses as Meliodas spoke.

"Family is everything to us. Once we're out there we need to protect one another. Thanks for being my bestfriends and comrades. Now, Let's finish this so that I can get married." We all laughed and cheered. Each of us taking a drink for the occasion.

"Okay! What's the first thing you're gonna do after we've won?" Diane sat next to King with his arm laying lazily around her. She asked the question with excitement for the future.

"Well I'm gonna drink my ass off and then get frisky with Elaine~" Ban sung as he nuzzled into Elaine. "Ban!" She rolled her eyes playfully and smiled at the group. "I think I'd want to sleep for a while." We all heard King start laughing. "That's what I was gonna say. After I've spent the day with Diane of course."

"Well I'm taking a leave from school with Elizabeth." Meliodas smirked. The heads of everyone else snapping in his direction.

"We're what? When did you decide that?" I asked confused. "I think after this ends we should take a trip to the demon realm. You can meet the rest of my family. I have to return soon anyways. Hawk must be dying out there with Esta."

"Who's hawk?" Meliodas has a pet? "A hog. That talks. If he gets too annoying I have no problem cooking him up for us!" He looked so cheerful I couldn't tell if he was kidding with me or not.

"Cap'n you two better not go off getting married without any of us there~" Ban's smirk on his face was almost devious. "Nah I want Ellie to have the best and a secret wedding isn't all that fun"

Diane smiled as she hugged me tightly "oh yeah and you'll have to let us help you plan" Its not a surprise she wants in on a chance to plan and decorate.

"Yes! Of course!" I laughed at her enthusiastic expression.

Hours went by but the room was still bursting with energy. The radio blasted while we all screamed and laughed. Even Merlin decided to join us with King Arthur by her side as usual.

The longer I sat next to the man I love surrounded by these friends the more I felt like I was home. They are my family. I can't believe that soon this won't be the normal for us anymore.

Liones.. My family.. I pray to the goddess my home is okay while we all work hard to protect the kingdom.

Everything that's happened so far has been a dream. I joined the academy and met Diane's closest friends apart from me. Then I met Meliodas and we got close.. I remember how hard my heart used to pound just thinking about him.

He asked me to be his Mate.. and then his Bride. Now I have a fiancee and right before the start of battle.

Everyone around me still partied hard together. Diane reached out for Meliodas and I to join their dance party. I could never say no to that.

We are always dancing. Every gathering we have turns into a party.

~One AM~

Meliodas turned to me and placed a small sweet kiss on my cheek. I smiled back at him as I began to clean up the mess we had made.

"Alright sins. Once we get home let's get some rest. Tomorrow we battle." My love happily reminded us as they assisted me.

Thinking of tomorrow excited me. I'm anxious to show the group how far Meliodas and I have come.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2020 ⏰

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