The Fall Ball Pt 2

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Elizabeth's POV:

We all continued to talk at the table a while longer. Rias was definitely a character I never thought I'd have in my life. She was super confident in not only her abilities but in herself as well. The sins were getting along great with her for now and Karma joked around too.

"Alright guys I'm taking my Ellie to the dance floor. And maybe home" I watched him wink at the others causing my cheeks to flush. He took my hand and pulled me to dance.

No matter what song, who's watching or what place the two of us always felt comfortable dancing. He took the lead like always and the sins soon joined us too.

We danced and danced until we couldn't dance anymore! The moon light was bright and all the twinkling decorations we put up looked so beautiful. I'm happy we were able to pull this off.

"Let's go somewhere more private.." I whispered into my loves ear. He smiled goofily and nodded. I knew he would like that idea.

We decided to stand outside of the gardens gate. Meliodas had his arms around me as we faced each other. "I'm happy this all came out the way it did. Everyone's having a great time including the royals of all the other kingdoms." I said happily.

His face brightened when he saw my smile. "Its perfect. What did you think about my sister?" He quizzed

"She's like you. I haven't met Zeldris yet so I can't tell you how they compare but from what we talked about and how she acts.. I see a lot of you in her. I can tell you had an influence on her." He nodded slowly and sighed.

"She looks a lot different though, why is that?" I asked carefully "she was born with blonde hair like me but as a baby she ended up developing an illness and the king decided to take her to a demon mage. When she came back home her hair was fiery red and her attitude had changed. Instead of a quiet sick baby she was loud and easily irritable. I have a theory that she was blessed but I can't tell by who."

I played with his hair as I listened to his explanation. "Enjoy having her back more Meliodas.. family is irreplaceable. I may not have had my mom but my father and sisters gave me hope"

"I have a lot of guilt when I'm around them. It doesn't mean I wouldn't do anything for them though. I'll think about it ellie..." his bright smile had faded into a frown. My heart broke a bit for him.


When we first met we promised to go there when our hearts were conflicted. A night at our place was what he needed before we go back into training. "Always.."

Moments later his wings appeared and we took flight. "I understand you're completely capable of flying yourself but I want to hold you right now."

"Its okay. I prefer to be in your arms anyways" I nuzzled into his neck while he flew us over.

Once we landed I changed into clothes I had hidden in our spot and sat in the grass with him. He stared up into the sky as we sat silently for a bit.

"What's on your mind?" I smiled sweetly at him and he smirked at me. "That ass in that skirt. And how sexy you looked in that gown.. how pissed I'd get when I noticed someone staring too long at you tonight. Even though I know our bond is forever I cant help but go crazy sometimes"

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