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Diane's POV:

It's no fair. I have to sit here in class while the others get to train under special orders. At least Captain is here with me.

Sure it was already 3rd period but school sucks without King to play around with.
"Class why don't we welcome our new student. He is apart of Project X designed by Dr. F. Stein I'm sure we will learn more about his abilities as time passes."
I looked up to see the redheaded guy walk in with a sadistic smile across his face. His eyes were a luminous red that seemed to chrome over to gold when the light touched it. It was hypnotizing.

The girls around captain and I seemed to go crazy at the sight of him. "Looks like those green eyes have competition Captain."

"No one can compete with me. Especially not my sister's lackey" my eyes widened at his comment. "Uhhh come again?" What in the world was going on?

"The names Karma." He winked at the ladies, almost putting on a show. He sat down in the seat next to Meliodas. That was Elizabeth's spot.

"Please do tell, why are you here." I watched as the two boys stared each other down for a second. Meliodas' demon mark activated and his arms crossed. "Speak boy" captain commanded him. The whole class now had eyes on them.

"The king has sent me and your sister to this academy. Along with prince zeldris and Gelda. Per Merlin's persuasion." I sat back in my seat. My mind trying to comprehend him.

"Don't tell me Rias is here. I don't think I can handle her right now." His face involuntarily twitched at the thought. Captain normally never acts like this.
"Yes and she's late too. We are to have each class together. She wouldn't come otherwise" he facepalmed and Meliodas faced forward. His mark not deactivating the rest of the school day.

Timeskip~ Free Period

Captain met me at the sins courtyard spot. I gave him the lunch Ban made him and we sat quietly for a while.

"Captain?" I stared ahead of me to watch a nest of birds being fed.

"What was that all about? You're still in demon mode too. I'm confused. Who is that karma guy?" I quizzed and looked at him to watch his reaction.

Captain readjusted himself and sipped on water before beginning to answer me. "Sorry Diane. I don't mean to worry you. That guy is my sister's right hand man. Her childhood bestfriend that took up the job to protect the youngest and only Demon Princess. I'm the heir to the throne but Rias is the one most acquainted with the demon realm people. Zeldris and I almost killed her while she was growing up. She's the definition of perverted." He sweatdropped and facepalmed.

"I really can't deal with my little sister. The worst part is I'm her favorite big brother when I'm not yelling at her to keep those damn legs closed"

We both looked up to see Karma walking to us. "Your sister says her grand entrance will be ball day. So until then I'll be hanging as low as I can. Can't take the attention from the Princess" he laughed while he toyed around with a small blade, his canines showed as he grinned.

Captain nodded "great 2 days more of peace" scoffing he got up and helped me to my feet. He motioned to leave and we began walking back into the school. "You gonna tell Elizabeth ?"

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