Chapter 7

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"How are you feeling today?" I ask Harry when he wakes up just after seven in the morning.

My shift had started as usual at five but it has been strangely quiet. Most of the wounded patients that had arrived on the same day as Harry had left to recover at home if they lived near London. Only the most serious cases were here such as Harry and Ben for example who had to be under observation for a little longer. We were starting to receive more patients today which were coming from other hospitals in London which were overcrowded. However, it was just a matter of days until we receive again more wounded soldiers coming straight from the front line of the battle.

This is an unpredictable war.

But there was also some good news as well, for example, Harry's arm was not broken as I had suspected. This morning when I went to pick up the results I smiled when the bone was intact and in its place. However, this meant that he had distended a muscle and that's why it is so swollen and painful to move. But if we apply cold compresses, painkillers and immobilize the arm in a week or two it must be completely healed. This meant that Harry would be here for another two weeks at least, which makes me happy. Mostly because I am enjoying getting to know him, he is a bright person and as much as I shouldn't I cannot stay away from him.

"Much better now that you are here. Good morning, Grace." He smiles with sleepy and tired eyes. I am not sure how much sleep he gets during the night, but for now, I will not ask him.

"Good morning Harry." I show him a smile as well. "I have some good news for you." I pause. "Your arm is not broken, and in two weeks you should be just fine." I help him fix the pillow behind his back so he could sit up.

It must be hard to remain in the same position for days, but if he started to get better soon he would be able to go in the wheelchair and even go outside for a while. We had a small garden in the back of the hospital where patients were free to go for two hours a day go get fresh air.

"Oh, that's great." He sighs looking at his right arm. "Hm... Can I ask you something?" I simply nod waiting for him to continue. "Do you think I could have some pen and paper? I have changed my mind."

"Of course! I will get it right away." I say happily.

I'm glad he had changed his mind and decided to write to his family, they deserve to know where and how he is right now. And they will be relieved to know that he is just fine, and not somewhere in the middle of the trenches.

I leave his side for a couple of minutes, just the time it takes me to run back to the office and pick up two clean sheets of paper and a black pen. When I return he is still in the same position.

"Here." I hand him the paper and the pen. "I will give you some privacy." I say turning around to leave.

"No... Hum... I cannot write with my left hand." He says and I feel stupid for assuming that he was left-handed. Maybe in a few days, he will be able to write with his right hand but for now, he shouldn't move his arm any more than necessary. "Could you write it for me?"

"Yes, don't worry about that." It was not uncommon that soldiers asked us to write letters for them because most were in such a condition that they couldn't even write. And even though I would prefer to give them the privacy to write whatever they wanted, I had to comply with their wishes.

I notice that the foldable chair is not here so I sit down next to Harry, on the edge of the bed but not too close. By the table, there is a tray which he uses to eat his meals and I use it as a table to put the paper and to write on top of it. I wait for him to start telling me what he wants me to write down.

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