Chapter 37

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"I have been thinking about names for our little one..." Harry whispers against my ear as he traces random figures on my stomach.

This last week since I told him the big news had been strange. Not strange with Harry, we were in our small bubble of love, completely lost from what was happening in the real world, and that was exactly the problem.

There was nothing going on.

Some of Harry's superiors thought their presence in that territory was starting to be a little useless, considering how many soldiers were in this area, and there were other more important places that needed soldiers. So they sent approximately half of the soldiers in each camp to other regions all over Europe during the last week.

Thankfully Harry and Ben were allowed to stay here, they couldn't simply leave this territory unattended because it would mean the Germans would take it back, but considering there was no action for months now, it was getting less and less probable for an attack to happen. So our remaining soldiers were enjoying some well-deserved rest. Not that there was much to do around here, but they always found a way to entertain themselves.

"Really? What names have you thought?" I ask curious to know what those names might be.

This week had been terrible for me. I spent half of it throwing up and the other half so nauseous I couldn't even dare to walk. It was not a fun week to me, but one of the older and more experienced nurses had prepared me a tea made from a special herb which made me feel much better. 

So all I do is drink that hoping I will get better, which it thankfully did.

"Well... If it is a girl, I think we should name her after Martha." His confession surprises me, mostly because I have been thinking the same. Going through a pregnancy without my dearest friend with me is extremely painful, I would give anything to have her with me.

It only seems fitting we name our baby after her.

"I really like it as well... Elizabeth Martha? Like my mother and friend?" I ask hoping he will agree with it.

We lost so many people throughout the war, the least we could do was honour them somehow. And what better way to do it than naming a newborn with their name and tell them what the people they are named after did?

"Our little Lizzy." Harry smiles kissing my lips softly.

Today was very sunny, and we decided to take advantage of that to place two chairs outside the hospital tent. It was a winter sun, but it was enough to warm your body after a few minutes of standing under the light.

"And if it is a boy?" I ask as Harry never let's go of my stomach, as if he was afraid the baby would escape through his fingers.

"Well..." He begins to say. "If by any reason I don't make it-" I place my hand over Harry's lips not even letting him finish his sentence. I know what he is about to say, and I'm not ready to hear it.

"No." I say firmly, feeling tears threaten to fall down my tears. 

Another interesting fact of my pregnancy is it is making me even more emotional. It was a struggle for me to work now, because of two reasons, first, just the smell of certain foods, blood, or vomit were enough to make me throw up, and the second, it made me emotional seeing the soldiers laying on their beds for days, especially when any of them did not survive.

All this happened while I had to remain silent about my condition. I had only told Charlotte and Nina, and the older nurse who helped me, as she had also been a midwife in the past. If I told any of my superiors I'm sure they would send me home immediately, as it isn't common to have a pregnant woman working, especially in the middle of the war. So I plan on keeping this secret for a while longer, until it begins to notice.

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