Chapter 17

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Today was the day that I was both feeling excited and dreadful about.

Today Harry was finally getting discharged from the hospital, after three weeks of being here. His wounds were now totally healed, and he also regained movement on his right arm.

A part of me was obviously happy because it meant that he was perfectly healthy now. But another part of me did not want him to leave the hospital because it meant that I was not going to see him every day like I am used to. I will miss having him around all the time, he makes my day so much better. When I am with him the hours fly by us, and it always seems that the day is not long enough to enjoy his company. I'm afraid that once he leaves I will feel empty here. But it also means that I can start having normal shifts, and stop working for twelve hours at the time, it will feel nice to work eight hours like everybody else.

Ben had also left earlier this week and it was an emotional farewell. However, he went to the same training camp Harry is going today which means they will get together again. Harry has to do a refreshment training for them to assess if he is physically able to go back to the front of if he is sent home. I know that Harry is more than physically capable of fighting, but I am glad he still has two weeks of the training before he is assigned a place to go.

The camp is not very far from here, only fifteen minutes away by bus which means we can visit each other very often, and just the thought of that thrills me. "Don't go..." I hug Harry from behind while he is packing his very few belongings into a bag. Most of the things he has, had been donated by other people to the hospital, such as clothes or personal hygiene products.

I had just finished my shift ten minutes ago and I hurried myself to change for my everyday clothes before I met him by his bed. I am going with him to the training camp this afternoon, not that he needed me to take him there, but because we want to spend more time together. "Hm... I will miss being here, darling." Harry caresses the covered skin of my arms, before turning around to face me. "I never thought I would miss being in a hospital, but I will miss this deeply." Harry places a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Who is going to be my favourite patient now?" Harry rolls his eyes playfully at me.

"Me, always." I notice a presence behind us which makes us both turn at the same time.

"Miss Flinch." I smile at her.

"I am very happy that you are leaving, Mr. Styles. You are a true case of hope." When Harry got here she probably never thought he was going to make it to the next morning, but nonetheless she allowed me to continue by his side not giving up on him. "Miss Becker you also deserve to be praised for. You did what a true nurse does, you saved his life while some would let him die so they could save others. You made me very proud and I'm glad you also found love in the meantime."

I smile shyly at her words. "Thank you, miss Flinch."

"I owe my life to her, twice actually." Harry places his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. Today he was wearing a normal outfit, not his military uniform because it was ruined when he arrived here, and not his usual light blue pyjamas. It was a simple beige buttoned shirt and some matching high waist trousers which were a little too big for him, but the belt stopped them from falling down his waist. He was so handsome.

"I wish you all the luck, Mr. Styles, feel free to visit us at any time."

"Oh, I will definitely come back to visit my girl." Harry playfully says before kissing my cheek softly after Miss Flinch turns away and leaves us alone once again.

When I look back to his bed, so many memories rush to my mind and before I know it, salty tears begin to fall down my eyes. Harry looks at me confused, one minute I was smiling and the other I was crying. I can be very sensitive sometimes. "What is wrong, Grace? Have I done something?" He asks worried and I simply shake my head.

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