Chapter 36

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Being married to Harry is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

I didn't think it could get any better being with him but it did.

 Our wedding was a month ago and never time flew so fast. Sometimes I almost forgot we were in the middle of a war, due to how lovely our time together was. Harry came to the hospital every week, mostly anytime his superior allowed him. There haven't been any attacks lately in this area, at least not violent attacks.

And the silence was killing us.

The Germans were there, just a few miles away from us, so close we could almost see them. But they didn't do anything. And that is why we can't leave this area, because the Germans could launch an attack at any minute and the soldiers need to protect this region.

 News from all around the world came to us saying that the axis forces were losing more power each day, but I'm afraid we are celebrating too early.

Only time will tell.

Tonight Harry is coming to visit once more, and I couldn't be more excited about it. But today it had a bittersweet feeling.

"Grace." Charlotte calls me as I enter the hospital after going to the storage room to get some supplies.

The hospital has been quiet, and for the first time in ages, we have been able to provide excellent care to our wounded soldiers. It is not overcrowded as it usually is, and most of the soldiers who are here suffered serious injuries from the last serious attacks, more than a month ago. Others simply have the flu or other illness, not related to the war itself. It is very peaceful here, as strange as that may sound.

"Yes?" I ask her keeping a smile printed on my lips.

"Are you go going to tell him today?" She asks me very excited as well.

Oh because I have something quite big to tell Harry, and as much as I want to know his reaction, I'm also afraid of the consequences that might come with it.

"Yes, as soon as he comes I'm telling him." I found out that I was pregnant a few days ago, right after Harry left.

My monthly period is very regular and I don't even think about it that much. But I have been noticing for a few days back how nauseous I get in the mornings, and how the smell of certain foods affect me. And then I had to trace back to my last menstruation which had been even before Harry came back to me.

Which means, this baby was made on our first night together after three years apart.

I was both excited and scared at the same time. I mean, I'm having a baby in the middle of a war. That's quite daunting. Besides, I know Harry can't go home if the war isn't over by the time I have the baby.

We had imagined a different life for us once the war ended. We wanted to travel the world, build a house, and then finally settle, and this changes things up a little.

But it is a baby, the biggest joy we will ever have.

Being a mother has always been part of my plans, not because it was expected of me but because it is something I have always wanted. Having a younger sister developed the motherly side in me, but now I don't know if I will be a good mother for my child. How does one prepare for such a task?

You are right, you cannot prepare yourself.

"How do you think he will react?" Charlotte asks bringing me back from my thoughts.

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