Chapter 16

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"Excuse me... Do you know where Doctor Alton is?" I ask another doctor when I climb the stairs hoping to find him at the office, but he was not there. Today was Sunday and I was going to tell him that I accepted his proposition. I didn't need to think about it too much, as my decision was already made from the beginning. But I did not want to wait any longer to tell in, just in case this offer had an expiry date.

"Oh he should be here at any minute now." The older doctor explains, and I simply nod leaning against the wall waiting for him to come.

It only takes five more minutes for him to appear with an apple in his hand, telling me he has just finished his lunch break. "Oh Grace." He smiled instantly as soon as he saw me standing by the door. "How are you?"

"I'm good, and you?" I say watching him bite the apple before tossing it on the bin.

"I'm very good as well. I was not expecting to see you now." He opens the door gesturing me to enter the doctor's office. There was no one inside and once we both entered, he closed the door behind him. We took a seat at the table in the middle of the room next to each other. "Are you here because of the proposition I made you yesterday?" He asks.

"Yes, I have decided to accept your offer." I say straight away.

Charlie seems pleased with my answer as he shoes me a wide smile forming on his lips. "I knew you would make the right choice... It makes me very happy to have someone as talented as you in my team." He leans closer to me beginning to invade my personal space. As a reflex, I slowly lean in the opposite direction, creating a safe distance between us.

"You will not regret having chosen me." I assure him with a faint smile on my lips, feeling proud of myself.

This has always been my dream, and I was going to take full advantage of it. I would be able to learn from the best, and it would make me much more knowledgeable than if I stayed in this hospital forever. But at the same time, I could not be fully happy about the offer, as my heart was with Harry and I was going to miss him like crazy. Not knowing where he was or if he was safe was going to kill me slowly, but at least I would keep my mind and body occupied. The worst thing that can happen is letting worry consume you. I saw that in my mother when Andrew went to the war, she has not been herself since then.

"I know I won't... But there is something that is going on my mind since yesterday, please don't be offended." I simply nodded waiting for him to continue. Why would I be offended? "Was it just an impression or you are romantically involved with the patient that was waiting for you, yesterday? Gerry was his name?"

"His name is Harry, and yes, I am." I don't know why he needed to know this, because it is none of his business. But maybe he is just curious. "Is there any problem?" I furrow my eyebrows, my stare never leaving his. As much as I try to decode him, it is impossible. His expressions seem very well contained as if he was calculating every move he made.

"Oh no. I just hope you don't let that affect you when we are in the front saving lives." He rests his hands on top of the table.

"Why would it affect?" This conversation is getting strange, why should he care about my personal and romantical life? As long as I do my job correctly, which I do, it is none of his business what I do in my free time.

"You know what? It doesn't, I'm sorry if I was being too noisy in your life." Charlie returns to his initial position, standing away from me. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding when he moves away. "I guess I was just a little jealous."

Every minute I get even more confused. Why would he get jealous? We only know each other since yesterday and most of the time we talked about medical procedures. "What?" I ask confused. He better explain himself or I will rethink his offer right now.

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