Chapter 10

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Did you ever think you were dead for a second? Do you know the feeling when you try to open your eyes and you are unable to do it? When you cannot hear anything about what is going on outside? Or when you try to wake up but keep falling asleep for days in a row?

That was the closest I have been to being dead.

And I really thought that this was it for me, there was no way I could have survived what had happened to me. When the bomb hit very close to the place I was standing and I flew falling meters away from my initial position, there was almost zero chance that I could have survived that.

But I did.

Someone found me and took me to a truck or ambulance, I cannot remember, where I would go to a hospital. The journey itself lasted for almost a full day, we had to flee occupied France as soon as we could. And if I hadn't died because of the bombing, I would surely die on the journey. Not that I remember any of it, but that was the most obvious thing to happen.

But then again, somehow, I did not die.

And you can say I was surprised when I opened my eyes and realised, I was back home. There is not much I remember from that day, maybe because I was hallucinating as a result of the high fever I had. But hearing the familiar English accent around me was enough for me to know that I was back home.

I was safe.

It is the best feeling being home, away from that horrible blood bath. And it was when I realised I was safe here that I felt that I could die in peace. There was not much I could ask for at that moment. I was warm, had the hands of a beautiful woman taking care of me, and I was safe.

If I had to die, I wanted it to be at that exact moment, where I felt nothing but peace.

But again, I did not die.

Instead, I woke up to those beautiful bright blue eyes, telling me that everything was going to be alright and that I was safe. There was not a better way to wake up and fight for my life. Even though I had been prepared to die since the moment I took part in this war, it felt wrong to do it in a situation like this. So I fought harder to get better, and eventually, I become strong enough to not being in danger anymore.

My wounds were getting better, and the only open wound I had was going to be sutured tomorrow by a doctor. My arm was still hurting but in a few weeks, I will be just like new. At least I hope so. Because I want to go back and fight for my country, I feel useless lying down on this hospital bed for days. But before I go back to the front I want to do something which is very important.

I have to take Grace out for a real date.

This woman saved my life, and for that, I owe her everything. But she also has something that had me bewitched body and soul for her. Maybe it is because of the medicines I am under the effect of, but I am feeling attracted to her like I haven't been before for any of the girls I had in the past.

She is sweet but at the same time she is not afraid to fight for what she wants and stand up for herself. There are not many women these days that can stand up for themselves like this. Not that I am blaming them, because the society we live in does not allow them to do so.

But now all I can think about is our date today. I keep staring at the clock hung up on the wall, counting the seconds until it is time for her to finish her shift. I know she usually never leaves on time, but today I truly hope she does.

To make me look presentable for this date I  had asked Ben if he could find me some hair gel as he could get on and off his wheelchair more easily than me. Luckily one of the soldiers next to his bed had some left and was kind enough to give me a little. I had pushed my hair back just enough to make me look presentable. Thankfully I also had washed myself earlier today, and was smelling rather good.

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