Chapter 34

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When you get so close to death, you put life in another perspective.

Those twenty-four hours I spent in the middle of the woods, without food, or water, freezing to death were probably the most difficult of my life. Not because of the pain I was feeling, but because I knew it was only a matter of hours or days at the most before I eventually died.

Let's be honest, it was almost impossible for someone to find me in there. I don't remember the path Charlie took because I was unconscious, but I was smart enough to know that he would take me to somewhere no one would find me.

And I deserved what happened to me. It is what I get from being too naïve and believing that people are genuinely good. But they are not. People are so mean, and I had to learn it the hard way. How could someone be so cruel and cold-hearted to leave someone else to die in the middle of the woods?

But then the unexpected happened. Harry appeared to save me.

At first, I thought it was my mind playing tricks on me. It had been a full day since I had last eaten or drunk anything, my whole body was numb from the cold, I was wet and freezing at the same time. When I heard his beautiful voice, I simply thought it was the end, I was hallucinating.

Throughout my life as a nurse I had seen so many soldiers hallucinating, they would always think about their loved ones. When I first met Harry he was also hallucinating, he thought I was his fiancée. So, I also thought I was just imagining things, that had to be the only reason.

But it felt so real.

Harry's voice was so calm and sweet, I could feel his arms wrapped around me, trying to warm myself. And then I stopped feeling so cold. Could your brain have the power to do such thing? That was when I started to realize it might be real. My Harry could actually be there. But for that, I had to open my eyes which was almost impossible.

My eyelids felt like two rocks, and even if I tried, I couldn't open them, or make any sound. I wanted to speak but my body was not responding to my brain commands. It was one of the most scaring feelings I have had to go through.

Then, all of a sudden, I opened my eyes.

And it was the most beautiful sight. My Harry looking at me with a smile on his face. At that moment I knew I was going to be alright, I knew he was going to save me. My Harry had found me.

He looked exhausted, I wondered how many hours he had spent looking for me. But he was as lovely as always. As soon as I saw him it was as if all the pain, cold and numbness I was feeling had gone away. I felt healed, Harry had saved me.

And here I was, back at the hospital where all my friends and colleagues were being extremely attentive to me, making sure I am alright. But the best part if having my darling Harry by my side at all times. He had asked his superior if he could stay with me for a couple of days and thankfully, he said yes.

Oh, and did I mention we are getting married tomorrow?

It is crazy, I never thought it would happen under such circumstances, but it just feels right. I want to be his wife, and I don't want to wait until we are back home to do it. Everyone I care about, with the exception of my younger siblings is here, and after what we have been through it just makes sense that we finally officiate out relationship.

I still could not believe I was becoming a married woman tomorrow.

The small ceremony would be held here in the hospital which was a little unconventional, but we would make it work. Everyone was thrilled to have such an event here in the hospital, even the patients. The priest was coming here to marry us, and according to him he was very enthusiastic to do it. Usually in the war he mostly hears confessions of the dying soldiers, it will be a good change for once to celebrate something as happy as a wedding.

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