Chapter 11

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After more than a week of being in this hospital, I am finally able to stand on my own feet, even if it is only for a couple of minutes. My recovery is going very well, and everyone seems surprised that I am getting better so quickly, especially Grace. There was a sparkle on her eyes when she saw me standing up for the first time and walk baby steps to the other side of the room. She moved alongside just in case I would stumble and fall, but it did not. And she was so proud of me.

Now it was Monday, and it was a special day because it was her birthday.

And because it was her birthday she would only come during the morning, so she could take the rest of the day to celebrate. It made me a little sad because it meant that I was not going to be able to be with her for the whole day as usual. But I was surely going to try and make her birthday memorable for her.

I had forced myself to wake up before it was five in the morning as it was when her shift usually begins, so I could be with her right after she arrives. This is usually the quietest time in the hospital, and I am sure we will find some time to be together while the rest of the soldiers are sleeping. I was very upset that I could not buy anything for her birthday, but as soon as I get discharged from this hospital, I will buy her a present. Not that I have much money to get something expensive, but I will definitely find a way.

It was now ten minutes to five, and she would be here at any time now. Luckily, I wasn't feeling sleepy because it is still very early. Even though now I can sleep safely, it is still hard for me to close my eyes, because when I am sleeping all I can think of is that I am still in the middle of the battle. I can hear the RAF planes flying above me, or the sound of a rifle shooting in my direction. So, I prefer to remain awake for as long as I can, because at least when I am awake, I know that I am safe here.

I know that many soldiers suffer from a life long trauma after they have been in the war. But I want to think that this will eventually pass because I don't know if I will be able to live with the constant nightmares that this war has caused me. The only thing I wanted is to be able to sleep soundly without the fear of being bombed or shot. But for now, that is a distant dream.

My mind is taken out of these terrible thoughts when I hear the sound of her shoes tap on the floor, but this time more carefully, trying to not to wake up anybody around us. I quickly sit on the bed, putting my legs out of it, touching the floor so I will be able to get out without her help. When she stands by the end of the bed, she smiles instantly when she sees me.

"Happy birthday, Grace." It is all I say gesturing her to come in my direction. She hesitates a little but eventually sits down beside me with a bright smile on her face. "You are a grown woman now." I mock her.

"You're so funny. But thank you, it is just a normal day for me." She shrugs.

"If I wasn't in this hospital bed, I would take you out for lunch... And then we would go for a walk in London, in one of those beautiful gardens." I smile remembering when I was in London more than two years ago. Unfortunately, I imagine that the city is not as I remember it to be, due to the constant bombing. It is a shame because London is such a lovely city.

"Really? Maybe we can still do that..." Grace bites her lips softly.

She always does this when she is nervous, and I find it extremely cute. So cute that I could kiss her right now, but I don't. I cannot let her think that I don't respect her, it is the last thing I want at the moment. When she wants to kiss me, I would very happy to kiss her as well, but I will not force the moment to happen. "I mean if you want to still go out on a date with me after you leave the hospital."

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