Chapter 30

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I have not let go of Harry in the past hour. I was still sitting on his lap clinging onto him like a small child. Maybe I was still afraid that this was all a dream, and I wanted to enjoy him while I could even though a part of me knew that this was very much real.

My Harry found a way to come back to me, and it felt so surreal to have him here next to me.

"I don't want to go back soon..." Harry whispers against my hair, inhaling deeply the scent of white soap that lingers in my hair.

"Don't go... Let's run away together." I look up to him feeling heartbroken just with the simple thought of having to leave him. We have been apart for almost three years, we have to compensate for the time lost. They are three years we will never have back, three years we could have been together but were not.

"That does sound very appealing, my darling." I melt in his arms when he calls me darling. How I have missed hearing him call me this. Three years were too long without hearing his lovely voice. "But you know we cannot." I sigh. "Hopefully the war will be over soon, we are winning now."

It was true. 

Ever since that day at the beginning of June when our soldiers disembarked in France that nothing was ever the same. It was the turning point of the war, and we began to finally have small victories against the axis forces. But it was by no means easier now, it only gave us a small hope that the end might be near.

And I truly hope it is.

"When do you have to go back?" I ask even though I don't want to know the answer to that question because it will hurt knowing I only have a few hours with him.

Harry caresses softly my hair before looking at me with a sad expression. "I should be there in the morning..." When I woke up I soon found out that we were still in the early hours of the morning. It should be four in the morning now, meaning that he still had at least two hours left with me.

"We can go to my tent..." I whisper in his ear. "I could prepare you a bath. Well, it is not an actual bath but you understand." I smile shyly.

I don't know why I am acting so shy all of a sudden, it is as if Harry and I haven't been intimate in the past. But a lot of time passed since then, it is almost as if we are two complete strangers now. However, my body still recognizes and craves him, because it is reacting as it always did in the past. I'm feeling the urge to be with him in the most intimate way possible, and I hope he is too.

We should discuss so many things first. I wanted to know everything that happened in the past three years, where he had been, how did he end up here. I wanted to find out what had happened for us to remain apart for three years, I needed to show him the evidence that I thought he was dead.

But all I could think at the moment was making love to him. That was the most important thing on my mind.

"Hm... A bath? That would be lovely. I haven't had one in ages." Harry smiled back at me and oh how I have missed his cheeky smile.

Maybe not that many things have changed after all.

"I smell like a pig." He chuckled holding the back of my head, pulling me to another quick but lovely kiss.

"Just a little." I bite my lip finally standing up from his lap.

The girls that I share my tent with are all working in the hospital, so we will not have any problem in any of them showing up unexpectedly. "What about Ben?" Harry asks when he stands up from the bed where Ben was still sleeping.

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