Chapter 14

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"No! I won!" I cross my arms after we finished playing another round of a game of cards. He had clearly cheated during the game and that is why he won, because I was going to be the winner if he hadn't. "Harry you cannot cheat!" I pout. If there was something I hated was to lose.

Growing up with an older brother brought out the competitive side in me. We used to play together all sorts of games, and in the beginning, Andrew let me win, but then we would get into a real competition together. My mother did not like the fact that I played outside with him boys' games, such as playing with the ball or when we physically fought with each other. But I loved it, those were great times.

"I did not! It is not my fault that I am better than you at this game." He shows me a cocky smile and I cannot remain mad at him for long. Why does he have this effect on me?

It has been three days since the terrible incident of the bombing, and things were slowly going back to normal. The other half of the hospital was found to not be at risk of collapsing and we began transferring the patients here on the same day Harry woke up. He was one of the patients who got to come here, and thankfully my superior also had given me the opportunity to remain by his side, taking care of him. I still hadn't told her about Harry and me, but I think she already knows. I thought that she would try to separate us but thankfully that did not happen. In the middle of this battle with so much hatred, it is good to see a new love happening. At least I am feeling that way.

Today, my shift had ended thirty minutes ago, but I wasn't going home for a while. Harry and I were actually having dinner together tonight, and I was looking forward to that. We had to improvise these dates, but I think they are even better than if we were able to go out to a proper date. We have the privilege to spend most of the day together, and I don't know what will happen once we are separated. I don't think neither of us wants to think about that possibility.

Harry was also getting better each day, and now he was actually able to stand up for longer and walk on his own, without any help. He managed to go outside by his own foot yesterday and only went back to bed after I forced him to. And I have also caught him several times walking towards Ben's bed to have a chat with him. This man has more energy and willpower than I have ever seen. But that doesn't surprise me, he is the bravest man I have ever met, it is not in his nature to give up. And I was so proud of him. So proud that my heart could burst at any moment now.

"You are not better than me, you wish." I roll my eyes, putting the deck of cards inside the small paper box. Playing with him is not fun.

"Next time I will let you win, I don't want to see you upset, love." I still hadn't gotten used to having him call me these lovely names. I always felt the familiar knot on my stomach each time he called me that. "Have I told you that you look beautiful today? You are the most beautiful I have ever seen you." This boy was a natural flirt, and I was loving it.

"Harry, you say that every time you are with me." I blush diverting my gaze to my feet, trying to distract myself. I needed to start getting used to this, but I also think he loves the effect his words have on me.

"Well it is not my fault that you keep getting prettier every day, is it?" He smiles showing me his perfect dimples. "I am a very lucky man." The curtains were drawn which was giving us the privacy we needed to be together. However, it did not provide much privacy as we were still able to hear everything that was happening around us. It is not very romantic being on a date while someone on the corner in the room is moaning in pain.

"And maybe you will also be a dead man if you continue to cheat while playing cards with me. I will never play with you again." I crossed my arms over my chest.

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