Chapter 1

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Liz and I have been best friends since I can remember. We spend every moment possible together, we're practically inseparable. Our friendship started when we were young and that caused our parents to become best friends with each other. We go on trips with them often and we're all so close. Our parents have dinners together every weekend so Liz and I alternate houses for sleepovers and occasionally hang out during the week. She's like a sister to me because I'm an only child. She isn't though, she has an older brother named Josh. He's always treated me like a sister of his own and he always been somewhat protective of me. When I'm at Liz's house he never really comes out much, but that's probably because he's playing videogames.

"Emma, we're leaving in 5 minutes, get your stuff ready to go to Elizabeth's!" My mom yells from downstairs.

"I'm packing my bag, I'll be right down!" I yell back.

She's always in a hurry, it feels like I can never get a break. My mom and I have always been pretty close, but not as close as me and Liz. I mean I trust her but she's my mom, she'll always have a mom's opinion and she's always going to think any little choice will kill me. And my dad, we're not really close but I was always a mommy's girl. We don't have too much in common other than we both like volleyball. He played in school as a kid and I'm my school's team captain. He's always been supportive and I'm so thankful to be able to play with him at the beach in the summer.

"Emma, we're going, are you ready?"

"Yeah, going," I yell back down.

We get in the car and the drive is short, as usual. Liz lives only a couple of blocks away so when we hang out during the week it's easy to walk back home. We pull into the driveway and leave the car to greet the family. Our parents greet each other and I close the front door as they leave.

"Em, you're here!" She says as I walk into her room. I sit down beside her and I leave my bag on the floor.

"Do you mind if I take a quick shower? I didn't have time before coming here. My mom's always in a rush," I say and roll my eyes.

"Yeah that's fine. I'll wait for you here," She says as I grab my toiletry bag and head down the hall into the bathroom. I take a quick steamy shower and clean myself with the towel I took from Liz. I slip on some underwear and a bra and as I'm getting ready, I hear the bathroom door swing open as Josh enters. 

"What the-" He says, confused and startled. His eyes move up and down my body, eyeing my black lace bra and underwear.

"Oh... sorry, I didn't... I didn't know you were in here" he says. I can tell he's embarrassed by his rose-colored cheeks and his tone of voice. I look over at him and I see he's in a navy colored robe that's opened just enough for me to see a few of his abs. His curly chestnut hair falling just the right bit over his forehead, making me almost drool at the sight of his perfection.

"It's uh... it's okay," I say as I pack up my toiletries from the bathroom and pass by him to go to Liz's room. I can feel his brown eyes looking at my ass from behind me, but I don't turn around.

I put on a large white t-shirt and long socks since her floor is always cold. We go downstairs and sit on the couch covered in blankets as we watch the movie "Mrs. Doubtfire" and fill the room with laughter. The movie is a great distraction from what happened earlier, but I would soon be pulled back into reality and I know I'll have to face it soon. At the end of the movie when we're getting ready to go back upstairs, Josh passes us and I can't help but be embarrassed by what happened before, but him having that same look of embarrassment lifts some weight off my chest. I fall asleep in Liz's queen size bed and wake up at 1 pm with the sun shining right into my eyes. This week we're out of school so both of our families are spending the week at the lake, along with Liz's boyfriend.

The morning goes by quickly and by the time I'm actually fully awake, we're already at the lake. The view is beautiful and I can't stop looking while we unload our bags from the trunk. This trip was a last-minute thing so nobody had planned the rooms and who would stay with who. There were 4 rooms, 1 for Liz's parents, one for my parents, one for Liz and her boyfriend and one for, oh no. That meant the last cabin would have to be for me and Josh. As he realized this too, we looked at each other and then looked away. There's no way this could happen...

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