Chapter 7

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What? He's probably playing a sick joke on me right now, but I want to know what happened between them if it's true.

"What do you mean it's all a lie?" I ask him.

"As you know, they met in high school and they claim it was through a mutual friend but it actually wasn't, they met through a mutual boyfriend." He says.

"What? I'm so confused right now," His dad was gay in high school? Is he gay now? Is he bisexual?  I have so many questions I want to ask but I want him to continue.

"Yeah, my dad and my mother were dating the same boy, Roger. He was constantly drunk in high school and he was stupid enough to introduce them to each other. My mom and my dad started talking and decided they would both leave him and start seeing each other, and that's what they did."

"Wow, that's a lot to take in. When did they tell you?" I ask.

"That's the thing, they didn't. I found out through my uncle and my parents haven't built up the courage to tell me and Liz. I found out recently and it's really bugging me how they put up this act of how their early life was perfect, but it was messed up."

"I don't want to ask this... but is your dad gay?" I ask nervously.

"I don't know. I don't think so but I can't be sure of anything they say anymore. I think his feelings changed when he met my mom and he hasn't been with anyone since her, or at least that's what he told me, so I'm guessing he's straight," He looks at me and I think he notices how confused I am because he says, "Sorry. I know it's a lot to take in and we just started talking and I don't want to put my confusion and problems all on you."

"No no don't worry, I asked about it but I wasn't expecting something like this, you know?" I say.

"Yeah, I was shocked when I heard about it too," He replies, "Let's just try to get some rest before heading out to the stream tomorrow."

"Oh, I forgot about that. It's just me and you right, everyone else has their couples massage and yoga thing right?"

"Yeah," He laughs, "I never thought Liz would be into that but she's going." I turn around to turn off the light and return to his warm embrace. It feels so nice to fall asleep in his arms and to hear his soft breathing behind my ear.

As I'm woken up by little kisses on my neck I see the sun through the window and I'm immediately reminded of where I am. 

"Goodmorning gorgeous." I hear Josh say in his tired morning voice. I turn around and kiss him on the lips.

"Goodmorning handsome," I reply back, "You look so good in the morning." I take off the white shirt he gave me last night. It smells just like him and I can't get enough of that smell. I set the shirt on the edge of the bed and I watch him touch the lace on my bra. He slowly slides off my left strap and my body responds to his touch. The butterflies appear and I want him to continue. It's ao easy for him to make me feel this way. I slide off the other strap and unbuckle the back, sliding it off my arms, I reveal my breasts and his eyes dilate in amazement.

"Like what you see?" I ask playfully.

"Very much, they're so perfect. The perfect size, the perfect roundness, kind of like your hips," He says, moving his hands up to touch them, but I stop him.

"I'm giving you a little sneak peek. Hold your hands until after the stream, then you can do whatever you want." I tell him, knowing he wants me more than ever now.

"Not fair," He pouts.

"Very fair," I grin.

"Come get ready so we can get to the stream on time." I practically have to pull down my underwear to get him out of bed. When he gets up, I look down and he's hard.

"Oh damn," I say, "That's really all it takes huh?" I ask him.

"Oh, I didn't realize," He says, "I was too distracted by your beautiful body to focus on my own." He says. Josh and his charming words, making me fall for him harder every time.  We get dressed and he gives me one of his t-shirts, "This will look good on top of that bikini." He tells me. I pull it over my head and get ready to leave.

We get in his car and drive for a couple of minutes until we're finally there. He holds my hand when I get out of the car and brings me to the stream. The view is beautiful, a blue sky with only a few trees on the right. The sky is clear and I am amazed by the beauty of this new place. We walk together until the edge of the wooden path that lays over the water and I take off his shirt and jump in.

"Come, jump in and swim with me," I tell him. He takes off his shirt and doesn't hesitate to jump in. We have a great time swimming in the water and it feels like the other day at the lake. Every moment with Josh is precious and I don't know why I never talked to him, he's such a lovable person.

We get out of the stream soaked and he tells me, "That was fun, wasn't it."

"Yeah, but every moment with you is fun. Maybe when we get back we can have the best moment of all..." I tell him, torturing him so that he has to wait. I lean in and kiss him and he pulls my waist in.

"Save your energy for later, now come to the car," I tell him as he chases me to the car.

When we get back to the room I make sure the door is locked before I kiss him. I'm doing this. I'm ready. This is all you've ever wanted Emma, now go for it.

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