Chapter 3

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A while later I hear the water turn off from the bathroom and I get up from the bed. I get my phone and go onto Instagram to pretend that I'm not nervous. I walk around the beautiful room and the only noise is my black heels walking on the floor. While Josh was in the bathroom I decided to put on some mascara to try and look a bit better. I've never been one of those girls that wears foundation or fills in their eyebrows or anything like that, I like everything to be simple.

When he walks out of the bathroom I turn around and he's wearing that same robe as yesterday. "What? Is something wrong?" He looks down at himself and then at me with a confused look.

"No no no, not at all, it's just... that robe looks nice on you," I say and my cheeks start blushing from my embarrassment.

"Oh," He says as he blushes too, "Thank you,"

"Do you need me to go outside or something for you to get dressed?" I asked. I'm trying to be polite but I would really prefer staying here and see his body. I can't help but imagine how much better it looks without anything covering up his bare chest and perfect abs.

"Uh, you don't need to. I'm in boxers so it's fine," He says. I turn around because it's better to give him some privacy but when I slightly turn around, I see his perfect bare body in boxers. He reaches for a white button-up shirt and starts buttoning it up. The restaurant we're going to tonight is supposedly really fancy so I decided to wear my dress that is more formal. He reaches for his bow tie and tries to do it, but he fails and I laugh.

"Could you help me?" He asks and laughs with me.

"Yeah" I reply, calming myself down.

I go over to him trying to keep my eyes off his boxers. I start fixing his mess and when I'm finished, he looks down at me and thanks me. He's not too much taller than me, but there's a little difference, a good difference. I can't stop staring into his beautiful brown eyes, they're the color of honey. 

We separate from this close distance as he puts on his pants and a belt and tucks the dress shirt into his jeans. He looks so handsome in these clothes... Well I mean he always does, but this is my favorite of his outfits so far. He goes over to the closet and gets a pair of shoes from his neat row and we grab our jackets as we head out the door. We get into our cars as families and I already miss him. Who knew that spending the littlest amount of time with him could make me miss him already. Maybe it was his confession of his feelings for me, who knows.

As we get to the restaurant, the couples of our families hold hands and I reach out for Josh's, but I bring it back to me as I regret that decision. We enter and sit down in a big circular table and I'm between Josh and Liz. Us three and her boyfriend aren't old enough to drink yet because we're only 18 so we all get waters. We have an amazing time at dinner, eating a variety of different delicious foods.

As we were waiting for dessert a thought popped into my mind, what if Josh is just using me for sex? Does he actually like me? I'll ask him after dinner when we're back at the cabin. I think he notices the expression on my face change because he gently puts his hand on my thigh and asks me if I'm okay.

"Yeah I'm fine, I was just thinking about something," I answer.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asks.

"Can we do it when we're back at the cabin?" I ask.

"Of course," He replies softly and takes his hand away from my thigh. I gently grab it back and place it back where it was. His face looks confused about my action, like a puppy when you take away his water bowl. 

"Sorry, it just felt good," I say shyly and he smiles.

The rest of the dinner goes amazingly and we all laugh a lot together, but the time passed by too quickly and it's time for us to leave. We get back to the cabin and we both take off our shoes.

"These heels are killing me," I say as I take them off.

"These shoes aren't comfortable either, believe me," He says as I struggle to unzip my dress.

"Here, let me help you," He offers and walks up to me. I get that familiar feeling I got earlier and his hand lightly brushes my hair to my shoulder as he carefully unzips my dress. I slip it off and turn around to see his eyes looking at me and a smile on his face. He takes off his belt and slides off his jeans leaving him in just boxers. He tries to untie the bow and I laugh seeing him fail.

"Now let me help you," I say as I untie his bow and unbutton his shirt and he slides it off of him. I look down at his tan chest. Our bodies are close to each other I look back up at him and he looks down at me into my eyes. Oh god, he looks so beautiful right now... My thoughts get the best of me and I reach up and kiss him. His tender lips kiss me back and he brings his tongue onto mine. He feels so good... I moan and kiss him harder and then he pulls away for a slight second. He looks into both of my eyes and picks me up and brings me to the bed. He lays down and brings me on top of him. Our mouths come back together and I can't help but enjoy everything about this moment. We both pull away from the kiss and smile.

"You're so beautiful," He says, his finger tucking my hair behind my ear. "But if we did that for any longer, we would end up, you know..."

"Yeah, I know. It wouldn't be bad," I say grinning, "but we should leave that for another time."

"I agree. So what was bothering you at dinner tonight?" He asks me. I don't want to ruin the mood, but we need to get to know each other.

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