Chapter 10

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Oh no. Fuck. How do I explain this to her? I don't want her to hate me. We've been friends forever and I don't want this to change anything between us. I knew this moment was waiting for me and now I have to face it without Josh next to be to help. I wish he was here...

"It's just... I'm sorry, let me explain. So me and your brother like each other. We admitted it to each other on the first day of the trip. I've liked him since last year but I thought the feelings went away, but they didn't. He says he's liked me since I started coming over to your house a lot. I was going to tell you but I wanted to spend time with him and get to know him before we told you. And I thought we would tell you together," I stop talking to catch a breath before texting again, "I'm really sorry Liz, I was going to tell you tomorrow when we started school again but you found out. I hope this doesn't change anything between us because you're my best friend and I love you endlessly."

"I'm not mad," She sends, "It's just I didn't know and I wish you had told me before it happened." She says. "I don't know how I feel about it and I might need some time to process all of this but it won't change much. You're still my best friend Em, nothing can change that." As I read these words on my phone screen I'm so thankful she's not mad at me.

"Thank you Liz, it means a lot." I turn off my phone screen and start getting ready for my day back at school. I put on ripped jeans and a v neck shirt from Brandy Melville. I put on my black Vans shoes and head out the door with my backpack. I walk 5 blocks until I reach the big school building. I don't want to be back but it's the last week of finals and then I have a summer break. I finish all my classes and meet Liz for lunch at the food court of school.

"Hey," She says, pointing at the seat in front of her, "Come sit," And I do that.

"Sorry about this morning..." I say.

"It's fine, I'm not mad don't worry," She replies. We eat lunch together and it's kind of awkward but I don't say anything about it. I can't stop thinking about Josh, I just wanna be with him.

"Liz is it okay if I go to your house this afternoon to study with Josh?" I ask nervously.

"Yeah that's okay, my boyfriend's coming over but just don't fuck my brother okay?" She asks and we laugh.

"I won't," I say.

After school, Liz and I walk together and when we get to her home, Josh is studying on his bed.

"Hey," He says when he notices me.

"Hey," I reply and take out my textbooks and put them on his kind sized bed as I put myself on it.

"I missed you," He says and kisses me softly.

"Me too," I reply.

We study for chemistry and history and then I remember what Happened with Liz this morning and I decide to tell him.

"Hey, I need to tell you something," I tell him.

"What's up?" He asks.

"So I sent you a text yesterday because I accidentally took your hoodie and Liz saw it on your phone and she found out and I had to tell her everything,"

"Oh," He says, "Sorry I left my phone somewhere and I couldn't find it this morning so I didn't see your text," I'm sorry, I could've prevented this so you could tell her about us when you're ready," He says and looks down.

"No don't worry, it's fine, really," I tell him, "And also, I wanted to ask you something," I say.


"I wanted to ask what we are. Are we dating? We never really had a clear conversation about this and I'm not super sure." I tell him.

"Oh, well I wanted you to decide. I've waited to date your for so long so that's what I hope we can do now but if you're not ready, I understand," He tells me. He's so sympathetic. 

"I want to date you and I'm ready if you are," I say and he smiles.

"Come here," He says as he opens his arms and I snuggle into his warm embrace.

"You're my beautiful girlfriend," He says to me, making my heart flutter.

"And you're my beautiful boyfriend," I say to him.

"I would stay here and cuddle with you forever but we really have to study for our finals or we'll fail," He says and I pout, but I know he's right and my mom would be disappointed if I failed.

We study together and when it's time for me to leave I tell him to text me after dinner and he agrees. We spend the entire night texting each other and I eventually fall asleep, dreaming that I'm in his warm embrace forever.

I wake up with my annoying alarm buzzing next to my ear and I'm forced to get up for school. I'm not in the mood to try hard to look good so I put on sweatpants and a hoodie along with my airforces. I grab my bad and storm out of my house with my backpack and start walking to school. I make it through my finals and I'm relieved when I get home because my brain hurts from all the algebra. This cycle of my alarm, finals, and sleep continues throughout the week, and when the weekend comes, I receive some bad news, some REALLY bad news...

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