Chapter 15

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I'm woken up by soft kisses on my neck. I turn around and look at Josh's beautiful face. The sun hitting on his eyes makes them look like sweet pots of honey.

"I have an idea," He tells me.

"Oh really? I'm listening," I say.

"I was thinking we could go on a trip for a week, just you and me," He says.

"I would love that!" I say in excitement, "Where would we go?" I ask.

"Well, I wanted to ask you that. Where's one place that's on your bucket list?" He asks.

"I've always wanted to go to one of those overwater bungalows in the Maldives or in Bora Bora but we never had time to go," I tell him.

"Well, then it's settled. We're going to Bora Bora on Friday." He tells me.

"Josh, you don't have to do this, I know how expensive it is," I tell him, but I know we'll end up going anyways.

"I'll do anything to make you happy Em, don't worry about the money," He replies and I kiss him.

"Pack your bags already so we don't have to stress about it later. I'll book the flights and the bungalow right now," He says and I squeal. I always dreamed about having a lunch on the bay of the clear turquoise water and snorkeling and riding on a jetski. And oh my god I bet the dinners there are so peaceful. I dream about the beautiful paradise as I pack and then an idea pops into my head, Josh and I should bake something! 

"Do you wanna bake some cookies?" I ask him, the excitement clear in my voice. He notices how excited I and nods his head. We get downstairs and he gets out all the ingredients as I search up the recipe. I choose the classic chocolate chip cookies and we start baking. He throws flower at me during the whole process and I do the same and when we put the cookies in the oven we're both full of white powder and I can't help but snap a cute photo of him. He looks so adorable.

As we wait for the cookies to make in the oven, we clean up the mess we made and I pull him into a kiss by pulling his shirt toward me. His mouth tastes like sweet dark chocolate and a tiny bit of flower. I pull away when the timer beeps and I open up the oven to pull out the cookies. We let them sit and cool down and then dive right into eating them. The sweet taste of the cookies fills my mouth and I take another one, enjoying myself. I take one out to bring up to Liz and leave the rest on a plate on the counter. 

I run up the stairs and enter her room to give her the cookie but when I enter she's crying. I set the plate on her desk and rush to her bed to ask her what's wrong.

"It's Ryan (her boyfriend)," Oh no, this can't be good, "He got in a car accident in New York. He's in the hospital with a broken leg and a fractured rib," She says as she keeps sobbing.

"Oh my god. He'll be okay don't worry," I reassure her.

"I could've stopped him though. If I had tried harder to keep him he wouldn't have gone to New York. He wouldn't have been in that car and he wouldn't be in the hospital right now," She says.

"Liz don't say that. You can't blame yourself for someone else's poor decision. It was his choice to leave you and I won't let you blame yourself for that. I know it sucks to see someone you love hurt. That's how I felt when I saw you at the station, but you can't blame yourself for this okay?" She nods her head and I continue.

"How did you find out?" I ask.

"I'm still his emergency contact," She replies as she calms down.

"Oh. Makes sense," I reply, not knowing what else to say.

"I know you're trying to help but can I have a moment alone please?" She asks.

"Yeah, of course, I was just about to go shower anyways. Oh and I brought you a cookie," I say and hand her the plate.

"Thank you Em," She replies as I leave. 

I head down the hall and enter the bathroom. When I open the door I see Josh's naked body in the shower.

"Haha, hi Emma," He says, "Wanna join?" He asks.

"You know I do," I say and undress myself to hop into the steamy shower with him. Nothing feels better than his hands rubbing my body with body soap and hot water. I enjoy every second of this moment and we end up leaving the bathroom wrapped in the same towel, kissing. We close the door of his room and drop the towel. Our cold naked bodies collide as we get onto the bed and I start kissing his jawline and move to his neck. He moves his hand down to my private area and starts moving his fingers in and out of me.

"Your body is always so ready for me baby," He says and I moan.

"Oh Josh," I repeat as he quickens his pace.

"You really need to get on birth control," He tells me, "That way I can fuck you without a condom," I blush at his words and decide I'll book an appointment for tomorrow. 

We end our pleasure and get dressed. I can't wait for our trip. 

The rest of the week is pretty boring. I get put on birth control, eat, sleep, repeat until Friday. We leave the house and I text Liz our plans so she doesn't worry about me. We get in a cab heading towards the airport. The security check is boring, as always, and we stay at the boarding gate until it's time to get on the plane. I've never really liked planes, but when there are movies I enjoy them much more. I watch romance movies the whole plane ride and I look out the window when we're almost there. The view from up here is GORGEOUS. The turquoise water with the bungalows and the mountains look even better than the pictures. I squeal and look out the window until we land.

"We're here!" I say excitedly to Josh and he smiles.

"Yes, we are." I can't wait for this adventure.

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