Chapter 2

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"Emma and Josh, we hope you're okay with being in the same room for a week," His mother says.

"It's fine," Josh and I say at the same time as we look over at each other.

"Because it's already the end of the day, we'll just spend our time unpacking and getting ready to eat at Rivilloni's," His mother tells us.

"Sounds good," Liz says.

I drag my suitcase to our Cabin and as I enter with the key, I am amazed at the view I see. There's a double bed in the center with two bedside tables and a painting of the lake over the white headboard. There are two big sliding doors on the opposite side with curtains and outside there's a passage leading straight to the lake. The passage is in between 2 wooden walls and next to an outdoor shower. Next to the bedside table on the right side, there's a big closet, a mirror, and a door leading to a bathroom. The bathroom has a big shower, 2 sinks, and obviously a toilet.

"This is beautiful," I say, clearly amazed.

"Yeah, it really its," he says, his face with a relaxed look.

I feel better knowing that he's not one of those arrogant guys who wouldn't appreciate something like this. We both start unpacking our bags and I put down my clothes for tonight on my side of the bed. Josh is an organized guy, to my amaze he puts all his clothes in a certain place in the closet. He has all his outfits separated into neat piles and his shoes on the bottom perfectly aligned. I almost feel intimidated, but then I realize I've done the same thing. Maybe he isn't as bad as I thought he was. I never really got to know him too well, but I always had this idea that he was a man-whore somehow. I had a little crush on him last year, I'll admit, but it's gone away...right?

My thoughts are interrupted by his soothing voice, "Do you want to shower first or should I?" He asks me.

"If you don't mind, I kinda need it right now or I'll fall asleep," I lightly chuckle as I speak.

"Yeah that's okay" He replies, giving me a small smile.

I head into the bathroom and remove my clothes, leaving them on the marble counter of the beautiful bathroom. I turn on the water and step into the shower, letting the warm water soothe my tense muscles. I don't spend too long washing my hair so that Josh has enough time to shower as well. I step out and dry myself quickly with the soft white towel. I put on a lace bra and underwear set over my, gather my things and leave the steamy bathroom. As I enter the room, Josh turns his face to me and his eyes rake up and down my body. 

"Sorry...I didn't mean to, It's just-" He starts saying but I cut him off.

"It's fine, I get it," I say with my soft voice.

I leave my dirty clothes in the bag I brought and leave it in my suitcase in the corner. I slip on a black bodycon dress that wraps at the top with a v-neck cut and sinches in my waist. I struggle to zip up the back of it, and he notices.

"Do you want me to help you?" He asks in a gentle voice.

I nod and he walks over to me. Every time he takes another step towards me, I start breathing harder. His soft fingers touch my skin and I feel butterflies all throughout my body. What is this new feeling? Is it his touch that's making me feel like this? His beautiful voice interrupts my thoughts.

"Are you alright?" He asks, softly brushing his hand on my right arm. I turn around and face him, my eyes staring into his as he does the same. I know I have to tell him sooner or later, and if he likes me too, we could have the time of our lives this week. Fuck it, I'm doing it.

"Can I tell you something?" I ask him, never breaking our connection.

"Of course," He replies.

"I... I kind of liked you last year, and I don't know if I still do..." I say. When he doesn't say anything, my mind jumps to worrying thoughts. Why did you say that? What if he doesn't feel the same way?

"Really?" He asks, his face lighting up from my words. That was not the reaction I was expecting, but I'm pleased.

"Yeah. I know we haven't really talked that much but since what happened yesterday I can't stop thinking about you..." I shyly admit.

"To be honest, me neither," He says. "I never thought you would ever like me but since you started coming over basically every weekend, the feelings started coming up and I didn't want to tell you because I thought you despised me," He says and looks away.

"Despise you? Why would you ever think that?" I ask.

"I don't know, you never spoke to me so I thought you didn't like me," He replies.

"What do we do now? We kind of just confessed our feelings to each other..." I say.

"I don't know, but I want to get to know you more. After dinner, we can come and talk, if you want of course." I love how he always considers me and what I want.

"I would love that. Now you might want to shower if you don't want us to be late," I tell him and point to the shower. He giggles but obeys, looking at my body once more before closing the door and I get that feeling again, those butterflies mixed with fire all over me. I put on my heels and wait for him so we can go.

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