Chapter 4

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"Earth to Emma, hello," He teases, waving his hand in front of my face. I slide off his bare chest and slide into the thick white bed sheets with him.

"What's bothering you?" He asks me.

"I'll tell you, but it sounds so stupid and I don't even know why I was thinking this in the first place," I tell him. He turns onto his side and looks at me as I do the same, bringing our bodies closer. 

"I was just thinking that maybe you were planning on using me and then leaving me..." I say and look away from his perfectly symmetrical face. 

"What? Do you think I would do that to you?" He touches my arm with his warm hand, "Emma, you're the only person I've had this much feelings for, I would never use you. You're the most gorgeous and perfect person I've ever seen and you don't know how hard it was staying away from you every time you came over to see Liz," He says. I feel so relieved and my heart warms from hearing his words. I don't know why I ever thought he was like that, my assumptions were clearly very wrong.

"I know we just started being around each other, but I can really see us together, that's what I want. It's what I've wanted for months now and knowing you feel the same way about me makes me want it even more," He says with his soothingly deep voice. "We can date secretly if you want it that way and I don't want to rush you so we can go slow if you want that too."

"That's everything I've wanted to hear," I tell him and he smiles, showing his perfect white teeth and his dimples, "I don't want to go slow, I've waited too long for that, but I think we need to keep this a secret, just until we find a way to tell your sister," I say and he nods. 

"I was thinking we could go to this small cabin that's at another part of the lake, just you and me tomorrow," He explains, "We could get to know each other and have a great time together."

"I would love that," I say. I smile and kiss the edge of his nose. I reach over to turn off the light and I feel his arm pulling my waist against him and his head resting on my neck.

"Good night beautiful," He whispers into my ear. I feel little kisses on my back until I drift asleep.

I  wake up with my head on his chest, my arm around his neck and our legs intertwined. I lift up my head to check if he's awake, but his eyes are closed. There's no other place I'd rather be other than here, in this bed, with him. Months ago I wouldn't have expected my life to go this way and for him to ever feel so strongly about me, but I'm not complaining. I rest my head back on his chest and I draw little drawings on him with the tip of my index finger. I wish I could stay here forever.

"Goodmorning," Josh says in a sleepy voice, putting his hand on my back. I look back up at him, the sun hits his face in the most beautiful way.

"Goodmorning, sorry if I woke you up," I say.

"You didn't, don't worry," He says.

I turn myself around so he can see my full face and he sits up.

"So when are you planning on taking me to this secret cabin of yours?" I ask him.

"I was thinking we'd eat first. There's this brunch place nearby and given that its noon, it's the perfect place to go," He says smiling at me.

"That sounds lovely," I say, getting up from the bed. I turn around and I see his face turning into a wide smile. "What?" I ask.

"Nothing, I'm just not used to waking up and then seeing a beautiful girl in a lace set, that's all," He says and I chuckle.

"I'm gonna go shower," I say as I grab my towel and head into the bathroom, leaving the door half-open, hoping he'll come in and join me. Is it too early for that?

I turn on the hot water and I shower, trying not to wet my hair. The soap feels amazing on my skin and when I'm done I wrap myself in my towel and head to the door. Josh is there on the bed asleep again and I quietly get a bikini and a sundress out of the closet and face the opposite direction of him to get dressed. I feel comfortable around him, I never thought I would. When I'm done, I put on some sandals and I head to the other side of the room and place a single kiss on his forehead to wake him up.

"Hey, we have to go eat brunch," I practically whisper. He gets up and puts on a pair of swim trunks over his boxers and slides on a white shirt and some flip flops. I grab my purse and put my phone and an extra bikini, just in case. He brings me to this small brunch place and we each get pancakes and a coffee.

"So, tell me a bit about yourself," I say.

"Well, I was born in California and I've never lived anywhere else, I get good grades in all of my classes, I've never had a girlfriend before, I'm not a virgin though, my favorite food is pasta with pesto, my favorite place is the cabin I'm bringing you to today, and that's basically it." He tells me. He's never had a girlfriend? I didn't know that. "What about you?" He asks.

"Well," I start, "I was born in Atlanta and moved here when I was 6, I get all A's in my classes, I've never had a boyfriend, I'm a virgin, my favorite food is tacos, and my favorite place is England. If you want me to be more specific my favorite place is London but every part of England is beautiful." 

We spend the rest of our time at brunch talking about our past and funny experiences we've had and soon enough, it's time to go to the cabin. I text Liz and my mom before we go, just so that they don't freak out. I want to spend my day with Josh and not have to worry about my mom wondering where I am so I tell her Josh wanted to show me a place and that we would be back in time for dinner. I told Liz the same thing and after realizing Josh paid the check, we get up and into his car. He drove here alone and I didn't even realize.

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