Chapter 12

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"It's Liz...she ran away or got kidnapped." SHE WHAT!?

"Are you serious? How do you know?" I ask, trying to stay calm.

"She didn't come back home last night and we can't reach her or her boyfriend, their numbers got removed from our carrier service," His mother says as she sobs more.

"We filed a missing person report and all we can do now is wait and let the police do their jobs, I guess," His father says.

"I am so sorry, I had no idea this had happened," I say, "Do you have any idea of who it could be?" I ask.

"We don't know. We think she was with her boyfriend last but we don't think he would ever do anything like that to her. The police are interrogating the school teachers today but they have nothing so far since it happened so recently." His dad explains. I feel so bad for them. I know Liz wouldn't run away so who the hell did this to her? 

"We can't do anything about this because it's now in the hands of the police, so we have to wait. I wish I could do something to help my Elizabeth, but they don't let me," He says and starts to sob. Josh looks over at me and we both go to comfort his parents. I can't believe this is actually happening. My best friend got kidnapped and there's nothing I can do about it. It feels like the universe is playing me. One problem after the other, how much worse can it get?

When his parents are feeling better, Josh brings me upstairs to watch a movie. We close his windows and the shades as he turns on his LED lights. I choose the color purple and i snuggle into the bed with him. He puts his arm around my shoulder and plants little kisses on my cheek. He chooses the movie "After" and we watch it, but I fall asleep almost at the end. I dream about the movie and how perfect their lives are. I wish my life could be like theirs. 

I wake up with my phone ringing and when I pick it up it has no caller ID. I answer it and there's a familiar voice asking for a pizza. 

"Are you sure you have the right number?" I ask the person on the other side of the phone call.

"Yes, I would like a pizza," The voice says, and my heart drops when I realize its Liz.

"Liz? Oh my god, are you okay?" I ask.

"Yes, tomato sauce sounds good," She answers.

"Are you hurt?" I ask, trying to get as much information as I can.

"No, no pepperoni, but I would like cheese and ham," She answers.

"Where are you?" I ask.

"The delivery address is 134 Kourtback Road. How long will it take?" She asks. I write down the address on the notes app on my phone and I answer her.

"10 minutes maximum," I answer.

"Okay," She says and it sounds like she's talking to someone else when she says, "It'll take maximum 10 minutes to get here,"

"I'll be right there, don't worry," I say and hang up the call. I wake up Josh and tell him everything that just happened. We rush downstairs to tell his parents. They call the police and when his dad is off the call he tells us the police will get her out of there. I'm so relieved but also so scared for Liz, I can't imagine what she's going through right now. We all sit on the couch and watch F.R.I.E.N.D.S as we wait for the police to call back or to knock on the door.

An hour later, the phone rings. His father quickly answers and all I hear him say is, "mhm", "okay", "yes sir", and "we'll be right there". When he turns off the phone he turns to us and says,

"They found her and she's okay," I'm so relieved, "We have to go down to the station to get her and see who her kidnapper is. They don't have an ID on him yet but they say this was done by somebody Liz knows," Hearing that makes me scared, who would ever do that to her? Especially someone who knows her. The person must be sick in the brain.  

"Emma, you're welcome to come if you want," His mother says and I nod my head. We get into their car and drive down to the station. When we get there, we're greeted by an officer and he brings us to the room where Liz is.

"Oh my god Liz we were so scared for you," His mother says as she hugs her daughter. Liz looks frightened and has a couple of bruises on her arms and legs. She looks hurt and looks like she hasn't slept in weeks. She looks at me and says, 

"Thank you for coming Em, and thank you for not hanging up the phone this morning. If you hadn't answered I wouldn't be here right now. I can't thank you enough," She says and comes over to hug me. I want to hug her so tightly but I can't, at least not when she has all of these deep purple bruises. The officer that greeted us tells us to come to this other room and we follow him.

"I'm about to show you who the kidnapper and abuser was. Please keep your hands to yourself, if you touch him in any way we will have to arrest you," The officer says in a serious voice. When we walk into the room, I look over at the man in the seat. There's no way. This cant be true...

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