Chapter 9

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I panic but I know I have to calm myself down if I don't want her to find out.

"I was just masturbating, sorry if you could hear," I say, trying to make my words sound believable.

"Oh, I didn't know you did that," She says awkwardly, "Sorry."

I go back to Josh as Liz's boyfriend appears and we all get into our cars. The drive is short but we left just in time to see the sunset. It's not nearly as beautiful as the one from the day we went to the cabin but it's still pretty. The sunsets here are unreal. They look like paintings!

Dinner is good, as usual. We laugh and tell more childhood stories and I'm thankful Josh isn't mad or tense. When we get back to our room I take off my heels and fall asleep on the bed with my dress on. I'm so tired...

I wake up with the sun shining in my eyes and I'm naked with a t-shirt on me. It smells just like Josh's cologne and I smile at the thought of him. I get up and enter the bathroom and wrap myself around him as he combs his wet curly hair. He has a towel wrapped around his lower body and I want to take it off but I can't, at least not until I tell him about Liz's question from last night.

"Good morning Em," He tells me and kisses my forehead.

"Goodmorning," I reply back, "I need to tell you something," I say before I can change my mind.

"What is it?" He asks, turning himself towards me.

"So you know how last night we, you know, fucked," I say shyly.

"Yeah," He says and chuckles.

"Well before Liz's boyfriend came back, she asked me what the moaning sounds were, she heard us last night," I tell him.

"Oh shit," He tells me. I can tell he's getting nervous.

"Don't worry though, I told her I was masturbating," I tell him and he laughs.

"I don't know if she'll believe that because you don't really look like someone who would masturbate but I guess she believes it if she didn't mention it to me," He says and we're both relieved.

I take off his shirt and leave it on the counter next to him and I watch him eye me up and down. I love how he looks at me like I'm the most beautiful thing ever, it really helps with my self-confidence. I leave the bathroom and grab a bikini and get ready for the boat ride. We're going on his parent's boat for the second time this year and I'm so excited. We always have a great time with them and boat rides are so relaxing.

"You ready to go?" He asks and I turn around.

"Yep," I say and we leave the room.

We get in my parents' car are admire the view until the dock. We get out of the car and I can't help but smile at the beautiful view of the boat. We get on and Josh helps me get up and I thank him for the nice gesture. I want to kiss him but I know I can't, not until I tell everyone. We get onto the main floor of the boat and I sit done on the couch between Liz and Josh. We wait until their dad's boat driver starts the boat engine and we leave the dock. We said through the beautiful water as it gets deeper and deeper. I look at Josh and then back at the water. I wish it was just the both of us here. 

The parents drink some champagne and decide to blast music on the boat. They invite me Josh, Liz, and her boyfriend up to dance and we do that for a while. This is fun, I wish we could do this more often. I've been so stressed with finals lately and it feels so good to have a break before returning. It's our last day and I want to make the most of it. 

We get back to the doc and I'm sad that we have to end this boat ride but I'm excited about lunch. We're driving to this place where we can eat right next to the water, it sounds so peaceful. When we arrive at the restaurant we split into 2 tables, the parents and the children. It's like when we would do family gatherings when I was a kid. I never liked those though, but this seems fun. We sit down and eat shrimp next to the bay of the lake. I don't know how they even get the shrimp but it's so tasty. We enjoy the view and the food and listen to Liz and her boyfriend tell us their perfect romance stories. Maybe Josh and I can live like that one day.

We get back in the cars and head home and get ready to pack up to leave. Josh and I pack up our bags quickly and wait for everyone outside the cars. I don't have his number. I remind myself.

"Hey, I don't have your number, could you write it in my contacts," I tell him.

"Oh, yeah of course," He replies and I hand him my phone. He makes a new contact and adds his number. When he hands me back my phone, I look at the screen and it says "My Boy 💖" And I smile. I want to hug him but we're in public so I can't. These little things he does warm my heart.

"Thank you," I tell him.

When everyone else arrives we get into the cars and we drive back home. The drive is pretty long but I sleep most of the time. We drop Josh at his house and we head home.

I go to my room and I tell my mom I'm going to unpack and sleep and she tells me "okay". I close the door to my room and unpack my bag. As I'm unpacking I notice I accidentally kept one of the sweatshirts he brought. I get out of my clothes and I put the hoodie over my bra and underwear. I take a mirror selfie with it and I send it to him saying "I accidentally took something of yours, do you mind if I keep it ;)". I lay in bed and scroll through Instagram until I'm tired and decide to sleep.

When I wake up at noon the next day, I check my phone and I see a text from Liz that says, "I saw what you texted my brother yesterday on his screen. What's going on between you two?" I freeze.

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