Chapter 6

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"Josh, Emma, over here," I hear his mother calling for us and signaling with her hand for us to walk towards her.

"We were waiting on you guys," She says when we meet her and everyone else in front of our cars.

"Okay, so Me, Dad, Liz, and Mike will go together in my car and then you, Emma and her parents go in theirs?" Her mother asks Josh. He's lucky his mom even asks him because if it were my mom instead of his, she'd already have her mind made up and wouldn't let me speak or complain about it. She's always so stubborn, that's one of the things I don't like about her.

"Yeah, that's fine with me," He says looking at me for approval and I nod.

We get into my parents' car and the whole drive to the restaurant they keep asking us question after question. I almost feel suffocated, even if the questions are mostly for Josh. He's so polite when he speaks to them. They've never really talked much because we don't go on these trips often.

"How are you guys holding up being in the same room together?" My mom asks. I look over at Josh with nervous eves and he answers for both of us, saving me from giving the wrong answer.

"It's not too bad. I mean she's the same as she is when shes with Liz at our house so it's nothing I'm not used to," he says, winking at me. I smile and instantly relax.

The rest of the drive is filled with my parents asking too many unnecessary questions about Josh and his life and laughter when he explained past experiences. It's nice to see him and my parents bond, but I wish they would back off sometimes because they can be intimidating.

"Alright, we're finally here. Who's ready for some pasta?" My mom says with a cheerful tone. My dad locks the car and I walk beside Josh as we enter the Italian restaurant. The smell of tomato sauce and pesto fills my lungs and makes my stomach growl from hunger. We walk towards the table and Josh pulls out my chair and pushed it in as I sit down.  What a gentleman. We both order his favorite food (pasta with pesto) and while we wait, his parents tell us the story of how they met for the thousandth time. It gets repetitive but it's still a lovely story. 

I've never paid attention to his reaction to this story because I was always listening to them speak but this time I looked over at him and he seemed angry. Why would he be angry, the story is so heart-warming. Is it even about the story? I put my hand on his thigh and ask him in a low voice, "Hey, What's wrong?" He looks over at me and whispers, "Can we talk about this later, I don't want to be disrespectful while we're having a great time at dinner, and especially since your parents and I got along so well in the car," I smile at him.

"Will you be able to contain your anger or will I have to drag you out of here?" I ask playfully and he smiles.

"I think I'll be alright, it's not that big of a deal. Actually, that's a lie, it kind of is," He replies. I want to know what it is, but I know he'll tell me later so I don't stress.

Our plates come and I savor each and every bite of food. I barely ate today other than the brunch I had with Josh, but I would give up food for another day just to be able to re-live every moment of today. Dessert was amazing too, lemon gelato.

We get back to our room and I strip down to my bra and underwear while Josh goes to the bathroom. Tonight our room is cold and I don't have anything to wear over this.

"Hey Josh, can I come in?" I ask, knocking on the bathroom door. 

"Do you have anything I could wear over this? It's kind of cold in here," I ask.

"Yeah one second," He replies and then opens the door and gives me his plain white t-shirt. 

"I don't have anything other than this, is that okay?" He asks. It's more than okay, it's perfect I want to say, but I simply reply with, "Yeah, thank you," And I put it on and I see him staring at me. 

"What?" I ask him.

"Nothing, it just looks better on you," He tells me. He's so sweet, what did I do to deserve someone like him? I turn around to face the mirror and I'm amazed at the image I see. The shirt pulls in at my waist just enough to show my wide hips and it's long enough to only show a bit of my lace underwear. He notices me studying myself and he wraps his arms around my waist and lays his head on my shoulder.

"Looks good doesn't it?" He asks and I giggle and I turn around.

"You're so kind, Josh. I don't know how we got here but I'm so grateful for you and everything we've done in the past few days," I say and gives me a gentle peck on the lips, leaving me wanting more. You've got plenty of time to advance your relationship with Josh, don't rush it. Relationship? I don't even know what this is, but whatever it is I love it. He leaves back to the bathroom and I hop into bed and open my laptop. I've been obsessed with reading romance stories about peoples' lives, maybe I can write one about time and Josh one day.

He comes back into the room wearing those damn boxers. They make him look so sexy...

"Hey, so about why I was acting weird at dinner tonight," He starts. I close my laptop and we move closer to each other. 

"You wouldn't expect this and I didn't either, but the story my parents tell about the way they met each other is a big lie to cover up the ugly truth behind it..."

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