Chapter 17

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I wake up with the sound of the heavenly water hitting against the wooden steps leading into the water. I get out of the bed and silently and slowly open the curtains, uncovering the breathtaking view of Bora Bora. I walk slowly to the closet and take out my bikini. I pull the soft white shirt over my head and put the red bikini on my warm body. I carefully slide one of the doors open and close it again, hoping Josh was still asleep. My body shivers from the slight temperature change as I walk down the steps, entering the water. I look around to see if anyone else has decided to do the same as me, but all I can see is more bungalows and the water. As I move my body to keep myself afloat, I look down at the coral underneath me. I can see fish nibbling on the outside and I even feel one gently brush the tip of my toe. 

I enjoy my time swimming around the medium-temperature water and when my skin starts to feel wrinkly, like when you stay in the shower for too long, I decide it's time to get out. I climb the wooden stairs and wash the salt water off my body in the outdoor shower. I grab the towel after I'm done and I put on some sunscreen. I apply the thick white liquid onto my skin and then lie down on one of the sunbeds to take advantage of the sun. I've always had slightly pale skin so I'll take every bit of sun I can get. I tan for a while but I get bored and I go inside. I try to be quiet but I accidentally drop the sunscreen bottle as I enter the room and Josh wakes up from his long sleep.

"Sorry, the sunscreen bottle fell. I didn't mean to wake you," I say as I crouch down to pick up the bottle.

"Don't worry, I was supposed to wake up anyways," He says, wiping his tired eyes.

"Come here," He tells me as he pats on the bed. I leave my stuff on the table and climb up to the bed and place myself on top of his body. His soft hands reach to the back of my red bikini and he unties it, causing it to fall off of my body. His warm hands cup my breasts as I look into his eyes. He touches my hard nipples and I lean down to kiss him. His tongue slides onto mine and I climb off him, breaking our kiss. I move my body so that I can pull down his boxers and reveal his hard erection. I wrap my fingers around it and he tugs my bikini bottoms off. I rub it up and down in circular motions and then take it into my mouth. As I suck on it and use my hand to rub the remainder that doesn't fit, his fingers reach down and rub my clit. I moan from the pleasure as I take him out of my mouth and continue with my hand.

I move under him and he uses his hands to spread open my thighs. He pushes himself into me and thrusts in and out of me. He quickens his pace and I grab onto the sheets next to me.

"Oh, Josh!" I moan and he moves quicker. I use my free hand to rub myself to add to the pleasure so it overpowers the slight pain. We change positions and I place my torso down and arch my back. He holds my ass as he moves in and out of me again. He repeatedly moans my name and I close my eyes. I feel his cum enter me and watch him fall down next to me.

"Morning sex is always the best," He tells me and I pant, still tired from our recent moment. He gets up and hops into the shower. I clean myself up and change into another bikini since the red ones are full of white sticky cum. I toss them into a bag and I put on a white flowy coverup and slide on my flip flops. I wait for him to get dressed and we hop onto our bikes to go get lunch.

We leave our bikes at the end of the wooden passage and walk on the sand until we find a table that says our names. Today we get to eat lunch on the actual water. The table is in the wet sand and I leave my flip flops on the dry sand before sitting down. The water chills my feet and I giggle. We order a Mediterranean buddha bowl to share and we admire the clear sky as we wait.

"I can't believe we're actually here," I say and place my hand on his.

"Me neither, but this place is seriously outstanding," He says, looking at the palm trees across from us. 

When our food arrives we both start eating. I'm not really sure what is in this bowl, but whatever it is, it's really good. When we finish, we go back to our bungalow and take out the snorkeling gear the resort has provided for us. We hop in the water and start swimming around and looking at the beautiful coral under the bungalow. I see a few small fish swim by and I try to catch them, but I obviously fail. The water is actually warmer than I expected. Every beach I've been to has had cold water, but this one is quite warm.

I enjoy the sea and the coral for a while longer and then get out of the water to start getting ready for dinner. 

Dinner is the same as yesterday and our last day is spent jet skiing and snorkeling around the islands. The next thing I know is I'm on a plane going back home...

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