Chapter 16

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As we step foot onto the airport dock of this beautiful island I turn around to take in everything about this moment. 

"Welcome to Bora Bora!" The capital says enthusiastically and I thank him.

I take out my phone and take a video of Josh and the view. The green mountains look beautiful with the hotel and the turquoise water. We're handed our bags by the cabin crew of the small plane and head along the dock to check into the hotel.

"Welcome to the four seasons Bora Bors hotel, how may I help you?" The receptionist asks us.

"Hi, I have a reservation for 3 nights. The name it's under is Josh McKay," He says and squeezes my hand and looks down at me. I look up at him and smile. I can't believe he did this for me

"Okay love birds, we're all set!" She says as a lady appears from behind us and says, "Come this way."

She lifts our bags onto a golf cart and we sit down on the white back seats. The drive to our bungalow is short but I love watching the water and the coral from above. When we arrive he opens the big door with a keycard and gives us a mini-tour. 

My jaw almost drops when I enter. The bungalow is GORGEOUS. There's a big bed and a clear shower and lights everywhere. There are glass sections on the floor showing the clear water and coral underneath. I can even see the little fish swimming! I sway around the room and I'm amazed. This is going to be our room for the next 3 nights and I couldn't be more excited.

When the lady finishes the tour and leaves, I open the big sliding glass doors and walk outside to look at the breathtaking view. I walk up the wooden stairs to the terrace of our mini villa. There's a cutout of a bench with blue pillows and a wooden table with a plate of blue macaroons in the center. I take one and go to the edge to observe the rest of Bora Bora. The mountains blend perfectly with everything else behind us. The clear blue sky and the palm trees look perfect from up here and I couldn't be happier. This is the perfect distraction from everything going on in my life. I turn around to see the other side of the villa and there's endless water with a few small green islands here and there. I look down and I see a wide pool, a slide, 2 sunbeds, and a jacuzzi. In the middle at the edge of the wooden platform, there are some steps leading into the water.

"This is gorgeous," I say, admiring the view and snapping a photo.

"Not more gorgeous than you though," He says and picks me up by my bare legs.

"Joshhhh," I say playfully shaking my arms and legs, begging him to put me down. He obeys and I go back downstairs into the room and start unpacking. The closet behind the bed is huge and I see two white robes and a mini-safe inside. I take out our clothes and shove the suitcases into the remaining space and slide the door to cover it up. It's already the afternoon so I shower in the beautiful bathroom and prepare myself for dinner. I brought some dresses that I haven't worn yet and I pick one that I like. I choose a bodycon baby blue dress with a straight neckline and a tie-up detail in the back. I slip on my black heels and add some mascara to my long eyelashes. I also decide to try something new and curl my long brunette hair. When I finish and leave the bathroom, I see that Josh's sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Are you ready to go?" I ask him and when he turns around, his steady face turns into a beaming smile.

"You look gorgeous Em," He says as he walks up to me and kisses my forehead. We walk outside and I see 2 bikes outside of our door. I place my small purse into the basket of the bike and hop on. It's a bit uncomfortable to ride a bike with a tight dress like this one, but I manage. 

We park our bikes at the restaurant and a lady dressed in all white attire comes to greet us.

"Do you have a reservation?" She asks us politely with her notepad and pen in hand.

"Yes, the name is Josh McKay," He tells her. A few seconds pass before she nods and tells us to follow her. We walk out to a restaurant that's between the palm trees and the sea. We sit down at a small table and are served with two alcohol-free piña coladas. I sip my cocktail as I look over the menu. For starters, I choose the Blue Lobster Salad and for my main course I choose the "Yellowfin Tuna and Lard de Colonnata". 

As we wait for our food to arrive I look out at the sea. I can barely see the turquoise color of the water anymore, but the colors of the sky print a beautiful reflection on the water. The sky looks unreal. It seems like Bob Ross came and painted the sky as if it were one of his canvases. The mixture of blues and pinks amazes my eyes.

When dinner finally comes, Josh and I start eating straight away. We haven't eaten since the plane ride and we're both starving. The delicious food tastes like heaven in my mouth. I savor the food in my mouth and the lobster and tuna taste better than I could've ever imagined. I'm so grateful to be here right now, it's like my dreams have come true. We split a raspberry cheesecake and ride out bikes back to the villa. I get out of the bike and into the bathroom to change into a shirt.

I climb into bed with Josh and he falls asleep in my arms right away.

"You're so beautiful," I whisper to him before falling asleep.

Author's Note:

Hi everyone! I just wanted to pop in and thank my viewers for supporting me and my story. It means a lot to me that there are people out there who enjoy my work just as much as I do. I'm trying to put out as many chapters as I can but it takes time to write so please be patient :) If you have any suggestions, feel free to comment. Also, thank you so much for 200 reads! I know it isn't a lot compared to the number of reads other people get but I am so grateful for everyone that's reading. Bye now!

Extra Info:

If anyone is wondering about the options of starters from the restaurant, here they are. (Yes these are real foods at a real restaurant in Bora Bora):

FOIE GRAS AU TORCHONgrilled pineapple with green Sichuan pepper, yuzu gelCRISPY EGG, GREEN ASPARAGUS, POTA AND NORI SEAWEEDsmoked salmon, lemon creamBLUE LOBSTER SALADtomatoes, pineapple, avocado and jalapeño, passion fruit and coriander vinaigretteMIXED GREENS, BLACK TRUFFLE VINAIGRETTE, CHERRY TOMATOES (V)parmesan and croutonsMAHI MAHI GRAVELAX, PICKLED VEGETABLES (G)herb salad and lemon creamKING CRAB, CRISPY VEGETABLES AND AIOLI (G)mandarin vinaigretteROASTED SEA SCALLOPS, GREEN PEA MOUSSELINE (G)shiitake mushroom with ginger and chives, white miso emulsion

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