Chapter 5

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As we start the 10-minute drive to this cabin, I can't even begin to take in the beautiful view around me. Lake Tahoe has so many trees and the water is so clear and beautiful. The weather is warm and being in the car with the windows open feeling the breeze blowing my hair back is one of the best feelings ever. I'm so used to the city and the tall buildings that I forgot how beautiful nature can be.

The drive to this cabin is short and from the outside, it looks exactly like the one we're staying in, but inside there's a hot tub instead of a closet! As if he can read my mind, Josh says, "Amazing huh? Having a hot tub inside?" I nod my head and hug him. 

"Thank you for bringing me here," I say and look up at his face. I let go of his thin body and walk around the room, leaving my purse on the bed as I explore everything. When I finally stop moving, I look outside and my jaw almost drops as I look at the view. The cabin is right on top of the water. There are three stairs leading into the water and as I bring my head up to look at the view, I am purely amazed. There's endless water and it's so clear that I can see the rocks underneath the shallowness of it. We're surrounded by trees and it's calming to know there's nobody around us, it's just me and him.

"Beautiful isn't it?" He says ad me runs up to me and picks me up. I laugh as he pulls me up and turns me to him. 

"Thank you, this is better than I could've ever imagined," I tell him and lean my head on his shoulder and we stay there like that for a little bit. He slowly brings me toward the bed, takes my phone out of my purse and brings us to the mirror. He holds my new phone out in front of us and when I turn around to see what he's doing, we both laugh and he snaps a photo. 

"Show me show me show me!" I beg. He shows me my phone screen and the photo is already set as my lock screen. He is so thoughtful. 

"I love it," I say. He puts me down on the bed softly and takes off his shirt and his flip flops and opens the big sliding glass doors. 

"Come for a swim!" He calls out. Not being able to contain my excitement I strip down into my bikini and follow him into the lake. We spend about half an hour splashing water at each other and laughing and doing breath-holding contests. I love the way he passes his hands through his slightly curly hair every time it falls onto his forehead. When I tell him I'm cold he brings me out of the water holding my hand and leads me into the hot tub. I get in and nothing feels as nice as being in a tub of bubbly hot water with Josh. The bubbles pressing against my back feels like a massage. After just minutes of soaking in the water and relaxing together, he signals for me to go on his lap and I do just that. 

As I pull myself onto him, my body wobbles up and down from the bubbles and we both burst into laughter. He holds onto my ass to steady me and I put my hands on his abs to help as well. We stay in this position eyeing one another until I lean down and kiss him. His grip on my ass tightens and as our kiss deepens, I moan. His lips feel so good against mine and all it takes is one simple touch from him and my whole body ignites. Never breaking the kiss, we get up and he carries me onto the bed and throws me on gently and I pull him on top of me and keep kissing him. He's holding his body weight on his arm as he moves the kiss onto my neck and my collarbone. He finds that one spot and I moan his name repeatedly from the pleasure he's giving me. I want to pleasure him, but it's too early to do anything together that intense. Instead, I leap off the bed and bring him with me into the bathroom.

I turn on the shower and strip down until I'm wearing nothing. His eyes scan my body as he takes off his swim trunks and reveals himself. I smile and pull him into the shower with me. We shower together and kiss and clean ourselves and the next thing I know is we are fully dressed again and in the car heading back to our room. The drive back is even more beautiful with the sunset. The mix of pinks and oranges fills the sky and I look over at him and we smile together, enjoying every second of this. We arrive back to our room just in time to change clothes and head out to dinner, trying not to show any sign of what we did today.

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