Ch. 17

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Chapter 17:

{Addie's POV:}

I was sitting in my room on my laptop when I got a facetime call from Maurisa. I Picked up and I was expecting to see her but instead saw something heart shattering. Kian kissing some girl, Andrea.

"Hey Asshole!" I said. He stooped and looked up.

"Addie I-" He started.

"Save it, when you can actually say 'I love you' and mean it let me know and so you know I'm selling this stupid promise ring. Don't bother contacting me. WERE OVER!" I said.

With that I hung up and threw my phone across the room and started crying. Out of all the guys why did I have to pick the douche bag.

My mom came in hugging me and apologizing even thought it wasn't her fault. "Mom I'll be okay." I said hugging her, sniffling. "I know sweety but I could tell you really liked him." She said. was it really that obvious? I guess so.

I decided to call Ricky and talk to him and he said he was gonna come out and visit, with the other guys, except Kian, and Maurisa of course.

{Ricky's POV:}

I got off the phone and immediately got on my laptop and got the plane tickets. After I walked out to see Kian staring off into space on the couch with a confused and somewhat angry look on his face.

"WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT TO ADDIE!!!!!!!" I screamed bringing him back and making all the guys come running down the stairs.

"Whoa whats going on?" Jc asked.

"I got a call about 15 minuets ago from Addie. She was balling her eyes out." I said turning to look at them.

"KIAN WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?!!!!" They all screamed at the same time.

"It was an accident." He said.

"What was?" I asked.

"He was making out with Andrea on the couch so I facetimed Addie and let her flip shit on him and she broke up with him and said she was gonna sell the promise ring he gave her."Maurisa said walking in then crossing her arms across her chest and death glaring Kian.

"What are you looking at me for if you wouldn't have called her we wouldn't be in this mess." Kian said.


"Anyway, I told her we would come see her so go start packing." I said and they all walked away.

"Oh Kian you're in charge of the house until we get back." I said walking into my room to pack.

"Wait what?!" He asked following me.

"You heard me."

"Why am I staying here?"

"Why would I take you being that you just crushed her, sorry Kian but you screwed yourself over this time, good luck fixing it." I said patting him on the shoulder then walking to my closet to grab my suitcase.

{Maurisa's POV:}

I had to call her they had been sucking each others faces for an hour and I was sickend and tired knowing that she didn't know this was going on. I have no clue what had gotten into him but whatever it was I was pretty close to knocking it back out.

As we were leaving this morning he was sitting staring into space which is all he does now like he has no clue what to do with his life. "Kian" I said calling back to earth.


"Look I'm sorry I put you into this but its for your own good. maybe you just need this alone time and to be single. We'll be back in a week." I said getting up and walking out the door to the car.


We just landed and Addie is waiting for us. She told me she didn't get much sleep last night she had so much stuff going through her head plus shes trying to keep up with her online classes. when we finally got our stuff and found her I was the first person to hug her.

"Hey girlie how you feeling?" I asked her.

"Okay...Not good. I feel like shit, I look like shit. I'm getting sick. Guys can go die in a hole for all I care anymore." She said.

"HEY!!!!" all the guys said at the same time.

"Except you guys." She said laughing.

They all went and attacked her then on the way home we stopped at Taco Bell.

When we got back to her house we all got unpacked and by the time night came we were out in the backyard around the bon-fire roasting marshmallows and telling funny stories. Out of no where Addie broke into singing Ordinary then causing Ricky to join in then the rest of us.

"Chillin on the west side playin my song, got a Kia Soul with my cheap shades on. Gonna run right through the night. Jump off the gate fall to the ground it don't matter still hittin this town oh it never felt so right.Tonight were runnin round the boulevard, i couldn't know i couldn't ask for more. So sick and tired of stayin up to see the break of dawn, everybody's takin shots till they're passed out on the lawn. Broken hearts and Styrofoam and empty double cups I guess I'm ORDINARY cause I don't give a what."

Then Trevor started singing his own song.

"It should be outlawed what you can do to me, Cant take my eyes off you in too deep."

"Shut up!" Addies neighbour yelled, we all started laughing. We finally went back inside around 2 in the morning and went to bed. This is gonna be a good week.

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