Chapter 5: Tell me Something

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"Honestly, other than Judy Garland being one of the people I look up to, I might be in love with the story." Stefani admits.

"And why is that?"

"I mean, who isn't in love with being in love?"

I replied in my mind: Me. I've become so weary in having faith in myself to even come close to finding someone who can give me that euphoria. I guess the closest thing to that extent is doing this film. My relationship with women has been mainly too physical much as I tried for it not to be. It distorted my grasp between infatuation and love which resulted to a number of failed relations. I sound so pathetic; considering the time I've been with Irina, yet the flame of attraction we share is millieus away from the warmth of love I yearned for.

Taking the seat not far from Stefani, I remember my girlfriend. She's always been supportive, pushing me to pick the script up and think about making a move on it. And I am forever grateful she was just that. I guess I can relate to the fascination Stefani had with love in the sense of what I do in acting – the transformation from myself to the role thrown my way, the distinct opportunity I had in telling stories, and now, rewriting A Star is Born. Funny, the film is a love story and I was still lacking of experience to tell people what love really is. Portraying characters that are in love is an easy task - with the notes given by the director; but now that I'll take on that path, how will I ever pull that off?

"Tell me something Bradley" she inquired while I was making myself comfortable on the seat.

"Tell you something about what?"

"Anything... or anyone" she added.

I thought for a while and started "My dad, he was immensely loved. Not because he was famous or anything. I mean, I can't think of someone who disliked him because he was authentic, genuine. He was so open to anyone. He has his ways on connecting to someone he associated himself with. And I'm trying my hardest to mold myself to the same man he was for a very long time now but I don't think I've come remotely close."

She snorted lightheartedly, "I mean, you drove yourself, went by yourself, and literally ate leftovers. Despite today being a Sunday and I know your schedule is probably as hectic as mine, but you made your way here to talk to me when you could've had your assistant or anyone else meet me instead. And I feel like, our Italian roots kind of connects us now, yeah? Don't hurt yourself over something you don't have control of. As long as you stay true to yourself, always, without hurting others, you're all set Mr. Cooper."

"I've always wanted to explore and discover every single thing in the world, you know? I think I don't only need an inspiration but something, someone to make me realize and feel wholly myself, like I can look in the mirror and tell the person staring back at me 'You made it, you finally got it right'."

"Mmm, 'cause having what we have now does not sum up what it really is to truly live. Having all the things most people wish for makes us shallow if that's what we base our happiness from. It's not up to anyone or us to say who you should be or live like. We are given this life to be who we were meant to be Bradley. And the entire process of searching for the missing piece of our soul is what defines the purpose of life. It's how we look for the purpose that we meet our purpose, which is to be and feel happy." She stated which had me nodding in perception. She's so smart.

Stefani stood up and made her way back to the kitchen and dining area. I was certainly unsure if I was ready to let this meeting end quite yet. I looked at the sink following her where she placed all the dirty dishes we used for my meal, a reason to stay longer shoot through my brain, "Can I help you clean those up?"

"Well, what do you know? He acts, sings and does the dishes? Your girl sure is lucky." she smiled.

Right. Irina.

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