Chapter 14: Artpop

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Hey guys! College is stressful even when done online lol I de-stress by reading your comments :) I love them <3 I hope you guys are safe and feeling wonderful. This chapter has more than 3k words, enjoy! 


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Stefani's POV

Bradley was concentrating on his phone after I finished cleaning up the kitchen.

"Irina's on a meeting with someone for the fashion show." He said plainly.

"Oh yeah! I'm so excited! So you're announcing the pregnancy through the show?" I asked, my heart racing at the thought of being on the same spotlight when that happens.

"Actually, no. That's what I was texting her. I was hoping they would find a way to somehow hide the bump. I still need enough time to prepare. I can barely go through a day and fully grasp on the thoughtof being a dad." 

"Oh. How is she doing?" I raised, moving to the fridge to get myself a drink. 

"She's doing good. The pregnancy didn't slow her down from working quite often though. Hey listen," He placed his hand above mine on the table after I sat beside him.

"I'm heading to NYC in a few days to look for filming locations. Wanna come with?" Bradley invites.

Bradley's POV

"I think I'll pass B. I have interviews to do and I'll be performing in three days." Stefani politely declined.

I continuously nodded in understanding on what she just said and on a plan that my brain has proposed.

"B, are you okay? Why are you making that face?" she asks wearing a confused look. 

"Making what face?"

"Like an attractive Penny Wise who just had the greatest scheme in mind. I can imagine you writing the script with that face. Oh God, I bet that's even more creepy." 

"Attractive huh?" I smirked at her. "How are you feeling?"

"Of all the things I said, that's all you could pick up?" she snorted.  "I feel better so you should go. Sarah and the rest of the team will be here soon. Stop worrying about me. You barely slept."

"First of all, I took a nap while you were asleep. Second of all, it's impossible not to worry about you." I told her honestly.

"Yeah but you know what we'll do? You will stop worrying too much about me and worry on the movie. We will see each other soon."

"Are you sure you'll be okay if I leave?" I stood from my seat and rested my head on her shoulder as my arms found itself to wrap around her stomach.

Stefani vigorously nodded. 

"In the mean time, let me fix something that happened with the album first." she explains.

"What? Why? What happened?" I worried.

"You just violated the first thing I said. C'mon, I'll tell you later." She unwrapped my arms and got out of her seat to throw her bottle on the bin.

When she sat back down, I held onto her - unable to believe how good it felt to be as close to each other like this. It was getting harder and harder to accept the fact that the furthest thing we'll have is friendship. 

The idea of how deep I can fall even more for this woman is getting scarier; Being an actor, I have managed to keep my real life self and role in movies in control. But this was different - we haven't even started filming yet, not for at least six months. 

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