Chapter 8: John Wayne

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The more I write, the more I realize that it's a challenge to put someone's thoughts and emotions into words especially when those someone is/are people we all respect and love so much. With that being said, I might update irregularly. I just want to get it right and take my time to write something worthy of both Bradley and Stefani.  How are you guys doing? I hope you're all doing good. Remember, stay safe and enjoy this chapter :) 


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Bradley's POV

After my meeting with Warner Bros., I picked up Stefani from the studio where she let me listen to the songs that she's been enthusing on. 

We are now in a typical late afternoon in Santa Monica, LA - the skies are clear from any thunderstorm. Yet, we were welcomed with flashes of cameras like lightning bolts as we made our way inside the Italian restaurant – Giorgio Baldi.

We went about dinner with me telling her my new found discovery about her birthday. "It's been a month. You didn't have to, B." she smiled gratefully. 

"Yeah, I had to. I mean, it's a double-celebratory dinner. We'll discuss what scenes we might go for with the screen test and all that." which we didn't get to really talk about because I switched the topic by asking, "What's the lyrics all about?"

Although I'm not totally sure if my schedule will allow me to go to Paris by November, I was thrilled. Stefani will be performing three songs - John Wayne and A-yo, which are honestly the sickest songs that I've heard of; and the third one is currently in the works. She wanted to give the models an easy and enjoyable show to work with and with those two songs? Let's just say all Irina and the rest of the models had to do is move to Stef's music, which will do most of the working.

"You know, I don't typically go out and share my songs to people 'coz they tend to leak them online." she scrunched her face. 

"Pfft. You and I both know I'm not most people and I'm definitely no longer a stranger to you anymore." I interjected while we waited for our orders.

"Okay you drama queen! Well, A-yo is about celebrating while leaving our haters in the dust. Ironic – I know, for someone who appears invincible from anything or anyone, I sure am an anxiety-induced, insecure mess." she rolls her eyes at her irony.

I can't believe how close we are in sharing Jackson and Ally's story to the world. A little more than two hours ago, I just convinced Warner Bros. to star this incredible woman in the lead role which took only a diminutive persuasion when they raised a concern regarding her acting experience; Other than that, with her infamous God-given talent alone, anyone who denies it is simply crazy. Plus, once the screen test is up for presentation, I know they will pester us to shoot immediately.

"And that's okay because that makes you human." I offered a smile before looking at the Italian food we ordered being placed on our table. "How does inspiration come to you?"

"Wow. Didn't know I was on an interview with Oprah tonight" Stefani jested making both of us chuckle.

"Okay, uh whenever I have something to write, I immediately grab a pen, a paper or my journal if I don't have a typewriter around." She begins, passion coating her voice which is very inspiring. "It's like I copied straight out of the pages of that journal, but that's not exactly that. Because it's been an eventful year for me, even late last year 'coz I started planning this album then; so the story behind it may relate differently now from when I first wrote it, you know?"

I nodded as I leaned towards the table swirling a small portion of my pasta on my fork and focusing my gaze to Stefani at the same time she continues. "Like for instance, Taylor and I are at the point of the relationship where we kind of let it lead up to fate – whatever happens, happens. You know, we pushed through long-distance before but now, I don't even know. He's been acting up so that sucks"

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