Chapter 12: Perfect Illusion

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How are you guys doing? I swear the last chapter was not meant to make anyone cry lol your comments and votes comments however... they make me 😭🤗

I hope you continue to stay safe and sound. 


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Stefani's POV

As we drove our way to Grififth Park, I stared at the glowing street lights – they were just like moments that passed in front of me earlier: Bradley and Irina's news, my acute attack of fibromyalgia, the meeting I had with the people involved in the Super Bowl, unwanted flashbacks buzzing in my mind.

The meeting for the Super Bowl went really well which took place shortly after Bradley left, leaving me no time to absorb my best mate's life changing news. I know that I was happy for them. I am happy for them. It just hit a sensitive nerve that triggered my nightmare to retaliate.

We were now in a trailer doing my costume, hair and makeup. "Stef, are you sure you're okay?" Sarah's head snapped in our direction when Freddie asked me, doing some final touch-ups for my hairpiece.

"Yeah, I'm just tired. I didn't get much sleep, sorry."

"Don't apologize. Did it come back?" Sarah asked about the chronic pain, fixing my eye makeup.

"Yeah, it was very brief though." Freddie and Sarah looked at each other before Freddie replied, "Wanna talk about it?"

"It's nothing. I just have a lot of things to do. My anxiety's just... hyped. It's nothing I can't handle, I promise." I hugged close friends who were starting to grow anxious as well.

We were now in a spooky forest at night, the camera from the documentary filming the set. 

"Cut! Alright that's it for tonight, good job everybody!" the director yells, we got back to our respective tents and I noticed that the sun is about to rise. We've been shooting for the last 6 hours and I am exhausted.

"Hey guys?" I called Sarah and Freddie's attention when we arrived at my house. They insisted to stay with me at the house in case I needed something.

"I think I want to film the music video for Perfect Illusion tomorrow."

"What? Stef, you need to rest. What's with the sudden last minute changes?" Freddie asked.

"I just know that I'm in the right place to bring out the emotions that this song exactly needs. Just let me sleep this off and I'll be better as I can be."

Thirty minutes later, Sarah came in my room to inform me that the production team was only waiting for my go signal, so we will push through the shoot tomorrow afternoon.

* * * * * *

The next few weeks, months, turned out to be very productive. I was finally done with AHS, I started with rehearsals and preparations for both Victoria's Secret and Super Bowl. I did meetings as well as interviews for the upcoming release of Joanne while doing the documentary for Five Foot Two and finally, the music video for Perfect Illusion was up.

"Stef, you left your phone on the couch. It's been buzzing."

I was about to close the refrigerator when Freddie popped his face beside the fridge's door with my phone on his hand. I took it only to find missed calls from my doctor, Bobby and Bradley. And a new text message piled to the unopened ones from Bradley, which started from the day he last visited.

B |8:15 pm – Aug. 17, 2016

Hey, how was the meeting? I'm sorry if it seemed like I wasn't paying attention, I was a mess but I'm feeling great now. I know you're on your way to shoot. I hope things go well. Take care, Stef. I was thinking Giorgio Baldi again? Let me know if you want to try new places. Talk to you soon.

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