Chapter 20: Hair

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Hey, how are you guys? I'm so proud of LG, she really kept her promise of being one of the world's cure. As always, thank you for the wonderful comments and support. Let's keep sharing love and kindness. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Stay safe!


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Stefani's POV

"You okay?" Bradley softly asks me. 

I remember seeing Bobby approach me with a box of chocolates.

"Aww, Bobby. What's this for? Thank you"

"I wish I got you those by myself but it's not from me" he says.

"What? Who's this from then?" I ask, my eyebrows meeting together as I figure out who this might be from.

"We have a problem, Stef. Flip the card" I did what my manager told me and saw the note say: Chocolate can express feelings better than words. -Chris

I ripped the card off and gave the chocolates to one of the crew who passed by us.

"Stef, you need to sort this with him. He told me he plans on taking you out on a date"

"Yeah," I smiled, looking around the set. Several eyes glistening along with the cameras they had.

Bradley requested less people around to make it as intimate and comfortable as possible.

I stepped in between his legs and untied the gigantic white robe off me and handed it to the assistant.

For some reason, I was severely self-conscious. Bradley looked up at me; well, Jack looks up to Ally with delight on his face.

"Stef" he calls out from Jack's accent. He was already in character and I'm a hot mess.

Take a grip, Stefani. Bradley motioned for me to scoot near him. "Come closer to me?"

He took the mascara from the side of the tub and gave it to me as I sank into the bubbles to cover myself. He could sense that something was off when he whispered, "Don't be nervous. Just trust me."

The cameras start to roll.

I could notice his eyes occasionally study my shoulders tensing or my jaw clenching so he called cut.

"You want to do this later? Is there anything I can do to make you more comfortable?" Bradley asks worriedly.

I shook my head. "No. Let's try it again. Give me a sec to shake it off." I briskly grabbed the bottle of shampoo at the side and used it to massage my head and quickly rinsed it; washing Christian's dilemma far off of my mind.

Just trust me. Okay.

"Ready, Bradley?" I ask, once my mood elevated.

"You call it this time" I could feel his hot breath against my face as he whispers to me.

I looked at the cameramen and yelled, "Action!"

Following what I read on the script, I straddled Bradley in the bathtub. I put the mascara on his eyelashes which caused him to resist the foreign object close to his eyes.

"This has never been done before, just so you know." he says in Jackson's voice which was now partly laced with Bradley's real one.

I ever so gently placed the black tape eyebrow on his forehead and grinned at him. "It actually has been done before."

He pulled me in for an embrace, nuzzled his face between my hair and shoulders. Then, he took a moment to let the humid air and the smell of shampoo fill in our nostrils before kissing the wall that houses my heart, "I know I sound like a broken record but you're so beautiful, Stef." Bradley secretly says.

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