Chapter 13: Dusk Till Dawn

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Bradley's POV

From my car window, I looked up to catch a glimpse of the sun's center disc drop a curtsy below the horizon in the evening.

The wind unhurriedly weakens against my skin while I waited outside Stefani's door. Just before the minimum brightness of the night sky sets in, the light of her house had arisen as the door swung open, showing two figures that I was not exactly hoping for.

Freddie and Sarah smiled at me which I reciprocated instantaneously. "Hey, what's up Bradley?"

"Is Stefani here?" I asked.

* * * * * *

Stefani's POV

What's taking Sarah and Freddie so long?

Who was at the door? What were they doing here?

Looking from afar, I smiled at the familiarity of the warmth that is now spreading through my veins. Just behind the figure, I noticed the environment outside are less distinguishable and the stars appear to brighten.

I am forever thankful to have Bradley in my life professionally and personally. I felt bad for ignoring him but it was for the better for the both of us, especially for my well-being. He believes so much in us, had so much faith in me and dug a deep level of trust.

He became my best friend the first time he appeared on the same spot he was right now. And I no longer wonder why. He's like this pinkish-orange element that exists in all gold, filled with compassion, understanding and love. He looked after me even when he had to go through Sarah, Freddie, Bobbie or even my family to check up on me; protected me like I was this precious gem.

I winced for the nth time today, a hand gripping on my hip and the other on the wall.

My trainer, physical therapist and doctor had already devised a modified program for me to hopefully retain the low chances of attack. It was at least comforting to know that there are precautionary measures to deal with it since there was no way to get rid of it but the uncertainty of its possible attack for sure.

Knowing the caring person Bradley was, I did not want to add more worries to his head nor did I want him to feel sorry for me.

Notwithstanding, I determined myself to shrug away any flutters of attraction I had left in his presence. C'mon dear Stef, he's expecting a baby with gorgeous Irina, we are not going to knit yourself in any of that mess no matter how incredibly intense the connection you have with Bradley is.

The line between Stefani and Ally is now more opaque than a few months back.

I was now praying for a firmer grasp at that opacity and a temporary favor to put an attack today on halt, exhaled deeply and walked towards the door.

* * * * * *

Bradley's POV

" I was hoping she'd let me talk about some of the songs and styles I have in mind" I explained my reasoning behind this unanticipated visit.

"Uh, we don't think she's -"

"Don't think she's what? Hey, B" Stefani joined behind Sarah and Freddie with a gorgeous smile.

"Stef." My body immediately reacted to the woman I was mainly hoping to see, taking an involuntary step inside her house.

"Oh we're so sorry. We were about to go, actually. Let us get our stuff and we'll be out of your Italian hairs!" Freddie pulled Sarah inside and grabbed their stuff.

Stefani and I tranquilly strolled to her living room.

"Give us a call if anything ha... if you need anything LG" Sarah and Freddie expressed their departure.

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