Chapter 21: We're Doing a Sequel

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Hey! Sorry for not updating yesterday. I got caught up with online school activities. I hope you had a good day nonetheless. Remember to stay safe and kind. Sm:)e 💛

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Stefani's POV

The argument scene in the bathtub was done; meanwhile in real life, Bradley and I are barely speaking.

"Jack was a little bit darker and it was a hard scene but your reaction was so perfect. The last thing Jack told you about being 'ugly'? It wasn't a calculated move to get a rise out of you. That was two characters." Bradley told me before I got out of the tub.

What Jackson does to her in that moment is go to the most vulnerable place which took me a while to get out of.

"I think because we both feel so safe together acting, it was all personal in a sense that we're just completely invested in telling this story. So, don't worry, all is well. It doesn't mean that things weren't hard but it never felt like abusive or anything like that." I plainly said.

I'm so insecure. I like to preach, but I don't always practice what I preach. The whole reason why we weren't in speaking terms was because of the Christian incident. When I talked to Christian about the note, he said it was one of his kids who probably sent it because he was too busy to even re-book his flight back home. I've met his kids for a couple of times and they seemed nice but it was bizarre.

I consulted Natali about the situation with Christian and Bradley. She said that Christian is a good asset especially when the movie releases; but she also reminded me to follow my heart as long as I always think before acting on anything.

As soon as I told Bradley about my plan with continuing the cover-up, he didn't take it too well. Irina and I have talked occasionally when I checked up on Bradley but they weren't exactly in good terms.

Bradley was in the middle of a quick meeting with Sam and some staff when I knocked on the door.

"Excuse me gentlemen, may I speak to Bradley?" I ask.

He turned to respond with a harsh "What?"

"Uh, am I still needed for something?"

"No, you can go." He hurriedly said and went back to the meeting.

I did not react and just went straight out.

Later on, I could hear footsteps behind me.


I kept walking until I felt his hand on my wrist and stopped me. He pulled us in an empty room and started talking, "Stefani I, look, I'm sorry for snapping at you like that. Hell, I'm sorry we had to do that scene. I'm just frustrated. I know you don't exactly want to hear this but to tell you the whole truth, the farthest thing Irina and I can be now is co-parenting Lea. And with so much tasks piling up for the movie, I think I'm going crazy. My mom told me to see a doctor and talk about Paternal Post Partum Depression. I went to one and they said I don't necessarily have it but I show its signs and symptoms so I'm under control." 

He dryly chuckled. "It must be hard to believe that now with how I acted."

"It's okay" I tugged his hair behind his ear, still impassive.

"Please stop pushing me awa -"

"I'm pushing you away? Don't you think it's been the other way around?" I interrupt.

"I know. I'm sorry, Stef. If you don't want anything to happen between us yet, fine. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna keep pretending with Irina. Again, we've been having problems way before you came into my life. I know I should've broken up with her before this got worse but Lea is all worth it and seeing how that baby makes you happy definitely makes it more worth it. I know you want what's best for Lea so I'll be the best father that I can be to her. Please stop punishing yourself for feeling this way." He placed my hand on his beating heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2020 ⏰

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