Chapter 6: You and I

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Hey guys! Your comments and support - they leave me speechless. I am forever grateful. I hope you are all doing well. Enjoy this chapter and let me know what you think. Let us all stay safe and take care of ourselves. I'll be thinking of you beautiful beings -D

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Stefani's POV

What was that? What the hell is this inkling intensity that I'm feeling? It's almost as fiery as the honeymoon phase Taylor diligently brought upon us a couple days ago.

Taylor. I can feel his honesty despite the duplicity. The trust is still there but there was a period of agony somehow. 

Nonetheless, I had just rekindled with him; however here I am, longing another man's – who I literally just met for less than 24 hours – companionship just as much with the man I spent more than 4 years of my life with.  

It was probably some internal confusion mixed somewhere in the excitement at the phase of getting to know someone new. Or perhaps some sort of hormones stimulating a certain type of infatuation to make up for the vacancy from what happened.

What the hell woman? Remember the hard work Taylor has brought to bear for you and this relationship.

But I knew, whatever I was feeling, no matter how intense it was, I had to suppress it or at least wait a little longer to confirm that it's just nothing - that I'm only in over my head.

No Stefani. You are not that type of woman and you will never be that woman.

"So I guess our lunch date is now officially cancelled." Taylor said coming closer to me from the kitchen. Disappointment and a hint of jealousy conflicts his eyes. 

"No, let me just change my clothes. Let's go on a late lunch date." I said enthusiastically and hugged his waist. "Alright but before you do, what was Bradley Cooper doing here?"

"He arranged a meeting with me. I was the one who suggested it to be held here and we chose today since it's the only time we could agree with."

"Did he need you to write a song for something?" he presses.

"Kind of. He's directing his first movie. He uh, asked me to be in, star in it. He saw me sing at the benefit so he called Bobby around then" I explained hurriedly, hoping the traces of jealousy would disappear from his lovely eyes.

"Honey, I mean no offense whatsoever, but are you sure you're not exaggerating? You're not ready for the big screen yet." he lightly deadpanned.

I felt my confidence level drop – every bit of endearment I had for him and the ease Bradley forged to myself a while ago started to crumble into pieces.

"I know. But he said that, what I did in AHS would be harder compared to what I'll have to do since it's more or less a parallel to my life. It's about two musicians who -"

"- fall crazy in love with each other?" he cuts me, nodding his head to the direction of the script at the table. 

"Think you can handle the pressure? Emotionally? Mentally? Physically? You have an album to take care of and other things you have to start thinking about" Taylor challenged.

I was still his fiancé after all that happened. Does he not trust me?

"Well, yeah. But Darling, it's just a movie. It won't be like I'd forget the line between our character and reality. You should know that better than I do. You weren't like this with AHS" I said, trying to understand his reasoning.

I added, "Taylor, I love you. It'll always be you I'll go home to every night. You and I, remember? Don't worry about the album. It won't be a problem at all. C'mon darling, I've only known the guy for less than a day."

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