Chapter 7: Russian Roulette

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Hey, thank you for the sweet comments! I'm gonna sound like a broken record but thank you so much. I wish you all the best, stay safe guys :) 


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Bradley's POV

It was yesterday when I called Stefani and told her about my upcoming meeting with Warner Bros., it was also yesterday when I went back to the room and saw Irina packing her things for a meeting in NY which she later explained.

I pressed the phone closer to my ear and asked the woman on the other end of the line, "So, what's it like to work on something that touches many souls and save lives?"

"Terrifying" Stef sighed before continuing "Yes, I've been doing this for years now but imagine the excitement of inspiration hitting you for a stable moment right? But then it sinks in to you that no matter how many songs you write, no matter how beautiful the beat is - it'll never be enough for this world. Because with how easy it is to share kindness, it is sadly as hard to fight through the negativity. Those people rely on you, hoping you can save them. Sometimes I wish I could runaway for a while because there are times that I can barely save myself B."

"Mhmm. Growing up, like any other aspect in life, my Dad was just as passionate with music. So I constantly fascinated about maybe becoming a musician someday. But somehow fate led me to acting. I guess I was destined to share my art and tell stories differently. That's why I was wondering what it's like to do what you do." I closed my eyes, trying to imagine the high of the crowd holding onto the music like it's their saving grace.

I heard her giggle. "Wow, you really are Jackson Maine. I was thinking Taylor might be interested for the role if you were looking for somebody." She jokes.

Her relationship with Taylor was wonderful but it's been skeptical lately – Stefani's words not mine – when it shouldn't be given that they're already engaged.

"Whether that's a song or a problem, I'm always here to listen, Stef. To whatever it is you have to say." I divert the topic.

"And I, you B." she replies sweetly.

Then, her tone became more serious. "Tell me about the alcohol problem?" 

"Have you been on my Wikipedia page or something?" I joked.

"No. I just figured the script was a fruit of something personal to turn out that intense. Dug somewhere, deep inside where no one else has been." I adjusted my body to a comfortable position and narrated how my first marriage tumbled down because of the drug and alcohol addiction which nearly ruined my life.

"Thank you for telling me" Stefani breathes out gratefulness – her humility and raw humanity stealing my sanity slowly.

The urge to hide absolutely nothing from her unexpectedly manifests itself. "Of course"

"You busy on the 29th?" I asked, trying to hide the urge to book a reservation at the Italian restaurant I've been musing about.

"I don't think so," uncertainty evident in her voice. "Aren't you meeting with Warner Bros. then?"

"Just tell me as soon as you know?" I requested, not really sure if I wanted her self-doubt to stop me from a celebratory dinner. I just knew her birthday was less than a month ago and suddenly felt like whether the meeting will turn out great or not, I still wanted to treat her somewhere. I know they will let her star in this movie though, otherwise there would be no movie at all. I'll make sure to establish that during the meeting – I made a mental note.

"Okay" she concurred.

"Hey, what color is your natural hair color?"

"Umm... brown? I think maybe a few shades darker than yours. Why?" her voice laced with more interest.

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