A Deal...

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What am I doing here? At the house of the guy who's yelled at me countless of times, who's made the species of nerds pee their pants, and who's made even girls hate him for his attitude.

This is all just an unexpected turn of events.

"Well," My eyes scan the extravagant house. Too much richness is going on for me to take the time to describe it. It'll take me an hour to describe the glory of their house--no--mansion. "nice place."

Jimin doesn't respond. He just stares at the floor angrily.

"Did the floor do something wrong?" I look at the clean white carpet. "If you tripped, that was 100% your fault."

"Shut up, Jeon." He glares at me.

"What happened to 'doodoo head'?"

Jimin snatches a handful of my shirt and uniform jacket. I can't help but laugh at his angry face.

This guy is supposed to be a little? Such bull.

"Jimin!" His mother comes into the living room. "Let him go."

"No." Jimin's grip tightens around my clothes. I swear, my shirt will choke me to death.

"If you don't let him go, you're going in timeout for an hour!"

What kind of threat?!

But, miraculously, Jimin releases me and sits back down beside me. His eyes meet the floor again.

"Timeout? What?" I look between him and his mother. Are they serious? What have you gotten yourself stuck in, Kook?

"Yes. Honey, come here!"

Soon, Jimin's father enters the room. He doesn't even glance at Jimin, he goes straight to me and shakes my hand.

"You seem like a fine, young man." He nods his head as I shake his hand firmly. I'm an okay, young man.

The Park parents sit in front of me and their lecture begins. Jimin curls himself into a ball on the couch for the duration of their lecture.

So, I'm going to get paid 100,000 won per week and let me tell you, that is heaven right there. My job is to protect this already strong man but sure, I'm not complaining about the money.

I'm going to call this my babysitting job. Since they basically said that when they aren't home, I'm in charge of him.

They tell me that Jimin has certain terms when he's in littlespace. They don't go too in depth for this part, guess I'll just have to figure it out.

"I don't need a babysitter." Jimin stares at his parents nastily.

"That's it! Your attitude is unacceptable! Go to timeout!" Mrs. Park points to the corner of the room.

"No!" Jimin hops off the couch and runs upstairs to his room. His "no" sounded just like a child's whiny "no".

"Um..." I look back at the parents. Mr. Park looks aptly irritated. Mrs. Park stares at the stairs angrily.

"I'll go talk to him." I fake a smile and choose to get away from this tense atmosphere. Awkward.

The question is...where is his room? Damn rich people having an unnecessary amount of rooms, just get enough rooms for yourselves!

Finally, I find a room labeled "Get Out!". Yeah, looks like I found his room.

"Can I come in?" I knock on the door.


"I'm still coming in." I open the door. "You should've locked it."

Just as I shut the door, a pillow is flung at my face. I dodge it swiftly. What a nice way to greet someone.

"Get out!"

"That was rude." I pick up the pillow from off of the ground. My feet take me near the bed where Jimin is silently crying into another pillow.

I sit on the edge of his bed. He seriously is a baby. A crybaby that is.

"You good?" I ask after his sniffles begin to die down. He shakes his head.

I know I'm basically a bystander in their family but, I can tell Jimin and his parents don't necessarily get along. I mean, the woman threatened to put him in timeout. That's just...I won't lie. That was pretty funny.

Anyway, that's not important.

I kind of feel bad for this guy.

He snuggles into his pillow and curls his legs up to his chest. Poor boy.

By instinct, I reach down and pat Jimin's soft hair. Jimin makes a whining noise as I rub my hand on his head.

"I'm a big boy." Jimin speaks in that high pitched voice. Oh. He must've did that thing where he slips into littlespace.

"You are a big boy." Literally, he's seventeen years-old but physically he's pretty short and slim.

Jimin turns to face me.

"I's no need you." He glares at me.

"Okay. I'm gone." I get up from the bed and remove my hand from his head.

"Noooo!" Jimin grabs the sleeve of my uniform. "Come back." His eyes are big and teary. Such a deep pout on his face.

"Don't weave me." Jimin begins to cry.

"Okay, okay. Don't cry." Sitting back on the bed, I pat his head again.

Jimin closes his eyes as I caress his hair, his hands are wrapped around my wrist as if he doesn't want me to go.

I'd be lying if I didn't say this was cute. He starts to fall asleep.

He's practically clinging onto me as he sleeps. I want to move but...I'm getting paid so nicely. Might as well keep it up.

I stare at the sleeping boy who's 99.9% angry all of the time but look it. He looks like a baby sleeping right here.

"Is this too much?" Mrs. Park leans into the doorway of his room.

In all honesty, yes! It is way too much but ya know. I realized that today was surprisingly less boring than any other typical day. So, I answer truthfully.

"No, not at all."

is this boring? lol
Thanks for reading!

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