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"Ah c'mon, Jungkook! Help a brother out!" My classmate leans on the wooden table with his arms out and his chin planted on his upper arms.

"Nope. Go ask someone else." Dang! I can't get the hair on this dog right! It should look ten times fluffier than it looks right now. I erase the ugly body of the dog.

"Please!" He continues.

"No." I redraw the fur, flicking my pencil up and down to create rougher patterns of fur. It's looking a little better now.

"Help me! You lowlife lo-"

"He said no."

Both of our eyes go to the stern voice above us. Jimin's menacing glare pierces through the boy's body. Visibly, the boy flinches.

"Get lost." Jimin practically growls at him. The boy grabs his stuff and bolts out of the library. That kind of pisses me off.

"No thank you?" Jimin sits across from me.

"Of course not. I could've gotten rid of that guy without your help." I shrug. I have my own way of dealing with things. I don't always need him coming to the rescue.

"Suure," Jimin says, rolling his eyes. "What did he want?"

"My answers to the math homework." Dammit! Now the tail of the dog is out of balance.

"What are you drawing?"

"This dog I saw yesterday." If I could get the proportions right! That dog was so damn big, drawing it is testing my artistic abilities; I like it.

Jimin watches me as I draw. Strange...I drop my pencil. Clasping my hands together, I face Jimin and give him my full attention.

"What do you want?"

Jimin purses his lips before he starts to talk.

"Um...thank you." He speaks lowly.

"For what?"

"The Christmas gifts." He's speaking real low.

"I can't hear you. Say it one more time?" I lean my ear towards him. I can hear him perfectly fine.

"Thank you for the Christmas gifts, damn!"

"There we go." A smirk rests between my cheeks.

Even though I didn't directly give him his gifts, my mom dropped the gifts off at his house before we left to visit our family on Christmas day. I hate to say it but, I kind of wish I could've stayed at Jimin's house. My family is just...hectic.

"You're welcome."

Jimin smiles a little.

I wonder how he reacted to the gifts? Did he shout with joy? Cry? Get mad and then cry with joy? The world may never know. I wish I could know. My curiosity is killing me.

The bell rings and we make our way to class. It's a new semester and for some students, like me, we get our class changed when we finish a class earlier than others.

Instead of going to that godforsaken gym, I am finally in a class that is perfect for me. Art.

The art teacher, I'll call her Ms. Fish&chips, is a seemingly nice woman. Besides the fact she smells like sardines and has her hair styled in these weird oval shaped plates, she's a pretty cool woman.

"It's great to have you!" She shakes my hand. I remind myself that I must wash my hands twice after class.

The first day of class is simple: draw a bowl of fruit. I pass with flying colors.

The second day: draw a day from your memory. I draw a newer edition to that day Jimin cried in my arms on that snowy day. Ms. Fish&chips adores my piece.

Everything goes by smoothly. I go to school like always, take Jimin home, babysit him like I always do (no more kissing commences), and go home to stay up all night playing games.

It's a routine I live by for a month. Until now, in February, Ms. Fish&chips drops a huge project onto our laps.

"We are going to do nude portraits!"

I legit choke on my spit. The rest of the class also reacts with outrageous reactions. One dude gasps and falls out of his seat.

"Since it's the month of love, I want you all to do the most romantic project. What Jack did for Rose in Titanic, a nude portrait!"

We aren't Jack!

"You need to ask someone who's comfortable with being naked and comfortable in staying in a pose for a long period of time, to help you with this project."

Kill me.

"You must use oil pastels for this assignment. And you must have another person posing for you, no eyeballing it or creating a person in your mind. Be exact. Of course, school appropriate. Don't draw the private parts in detail."

The class laughs. This project is anything but funny.

"Now, to embrace the beauty of art, female breasts are not to be blurred. Embrace it, draw with passion. Don't worry, the school has approved of this project."

The boys cheer and the girls stare at Ms. Fish&chips terrified.

"If your poser doesn't want their face portrayed, tell them to get in a position that hides their face. But you're required to have the entire body and the background present in your piece."

Kill me!

"This is due by the end of this month. Have fun my lovelies! Oh! This is also a test grade! Do your best!" Ms. Fish&chips cheers happily as the bell rings, we gather our things and head out of class.

I suddenly hate art now.

Why does it have to be a nude portrait? This-this shouldn't even be a high school art criteria! Ugh!

"You okay?" Jimin looks at me concerned.

"I'm gonna fail art." I stuff my hands into the pockets of my pants.

"Why? You draw good." Jimin walks in rhythm with me, long hair bouncing with each step.

"We have to do nude portraits for a grade. A test grade dammit!" I groan as we stop at a crosswalk.

"Nude? Like naked?" Jimin asks, the light changes. We begin walking again.

"Yes, naked." Just the thought gives me a headache. "There's no way I'm going to find someone to sit all day, butt-naked, posing for me to draw them. In conclusion, I'm failing."

Jimin grows silent. I turn to see that he's stopped walking. His eyes are trained on the road.


He raises his head.

"I can do it."

"Huh?" My eyes widen.

"I can be your model."

oh yeah(;
Thanks for reading!

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