I Know

497 40 14

"How can you draw so good?" My classmate/somewhat friend, Yugyeom, stares at my sketchbook as I draw various types of flowers inside of a flower vase.

Usually I avoid this human infested room during lunch but, the library is being remodeled. I have to come to the war of clashing cliques and stereotypes.

The Marthas are all wearing their uniform the same way, eating the same lunch (the same way!) and talking as if they are damn robots.

The average students sit eating their lunch, talking to friends and overall, being beyond the most average of them all.

Don't even get me started on the emo kids. I swear, doom and despair are their life motto. They haven't even laughed. How can you sit with such boring people? I don't know.

Of course, you have the jocks and the cheerleaders. Loud as hell, making it look like they're the life of the party by being crazy and obnoxious during lunch. Typical.

Even a cheerleader with a non-existent butt tries to twerk on the table. Does she think we need to see this pathetic show? Luckily, a lunch lady stops her.

There's one type of clique I can associate myself with: the loners.

We're the one's who sit alone minding our own business, avoiding human contact at all costs. If a human approaches, we act nice. But truthfully, we're angry at the human for ruining our peace and we cuss them out in our heads.

Yugyeom kind of stands in the average clique but seeing me at lunch today, he came to sit with me. Since we have two classes together, I guess you can say we're friends.

"Well, look it!" A jock with a nose bigger than his brain bares all his teeth as he laughs. "It's the almighty Park bitch!"

My eyes shoot towards the entrance of the lunchroom. Jimin walks in with a scowl on his face, he ignores the rude calls of the jocks and heads for the service line.

"He's scary," Yugyeom says. He stares at Jimin as if he's some sort of mega villain, just like all the other cliques.

"No, he's not." He's a cute, adorable firecracker.

"Really?" Yugyeom looks at me in shock. "You guys are friends, right?"

"Yep." More than friends but sure, go at it.

I continue drawing my flower vase to ignore the rude comments surging around the cafeteria about Jimin. My grip exerted on my pencil tightens as I listen to them.

They don't know him. They don't know what he's been through for all these years. They don't know that he escapes from his life by acting like a child. They don't know how precious and kind Jimin truly is.

It pisses me off hearing them create such a negative image of him. And it pisses me off even more how Jimin continues to act like he always does.

With my pencil, I shade underneath the vase, creating a dark shadow. Just as I begin to draw a rose, a voice above interrupts me.

"Umm...hi, Jungkook." A girl with short brown hair stands near my table. She twiddles with her fingers as she twists her hips. Her cheeks are tinted red.

"Hi?" I don't recognize her at all.

"I'm Sulgi from art," she says, smiling.

"Okay." I nod my head. Yugyeom looks at me as if I'm insane.

What? Is it because she's pretty? Am I just supposed to gush and mush over a pretty girl talking to me? Bullshit.

"Uhm..." She tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear. "I think you're really cool and interesting. And quite handsome. And...I was wondering if you wanted to like...hang out sometime...?"


All eyes turn to Jimin. He's standing a few feet away from the girl, his eyes burning into her body.

"You have nothing to do with this!" shouts the girl. Wow. The once seemingly sweet girl becomes incredibly rude.

"You have nothing to do with him," Jimin retorts.

Sulgi scoffs.

"Like you have something to do with him? You're just a lowlife who likes to torture people. Get lost, you jerk."

The cafeteria uproars with whoops and hurrays. Jimin stares at her angrily but, I can see his eyes shaking as he holds back his tears.

"So, what do you say?" Sulgi turns back to me.

I close my sketchbook. After putting it in my bag, I stand up.

"No." I tell her blatantly.

"N-no?" She stumbles.

"Yes, no." I walk over to Jimin. He stares at me as I rub my thumb across his healing cheek.

"What are you doing?" Sulgi stares at Jimin and I's interaction with horror etched onto her face.

"Tending to the tender heart of my boyfriend." I wrap my arm around Jimin's shoulders. He looks at me with wide eyes.

The cafeteria gasps. Even the Marthas break their synchronization to take in the shock of the school's loner and bully dating.

"B-b-boyfriend?" Sulgi stutters.

"Jimin is my boyfriend. I don't need to associate myself with the likes of you. Or any of you." I look around the frozen cafeteria.

"Don't come at someone you don't even know." I pat Jimin's soft hair. "He's nothing like you all think he is."

I grab Jimin's hand and we walk out of the cafeteria. Jimin remains silent even after we exit the school.

"W-why?" His hair flutters in the wind as he looks at me.

"Why not? Who cares what others think. We like each other, don't we?"

Jimin's eyes shimmer underneath the bright sun. Clear tears fall from his eyes as he breaks into a sob. He squats to the ground, burying his face in his hands as he cries.

I squat to his level and rub his back.

"That's right. Let it out."

A wail of pain leaves his throat. I kiss his forehead and rock him in my arms as he cries.

"You deserve it. You deserve to be loved, Jimin."

double update (:
Thanks for reading!

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