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"Holy sh–I mean! Goodness Jungkook!" Ms. Fish&chips exclaims as she stares in awe at my piece.

"This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!" Never have I ever seen this woman so fascinated. I must be getting better at drawing.

"The colors, the shading, this is a masterpiece! Let me enter it into a contest, I'm sure you'll win." She grabs my uniform in desperation. Now, I must bleach and burn this uniform. And I just broke this one in.

"Go ahead." I shrug.

"Good Lord. Who was your model? I must meet them. Their body is unbelievably beautiful or perhaps you heightened it..." she mumbles to herself.

Oh trust me, you know who the model is. You'll just never get to see him naked, that would just be plain weird.

"Nope. I drew exactly what I saw."

"Amazing." Ms. Fish&chips can't take her eyes off of my piece.

Soon, my drawing becomes famous all around the school. Guys keep asking me where they can find this beauty, girls keep asking me what the model's skin care techniques are and best yet: teachers are asking me to do their own nude portraits.

It's quite a funny situation.

"Nobody knows it's you." I chuckle as we stare at my drawing hanging in the front of my art classroom.

"I hope no one knows. My butt looks way too big. You exaggerating bastard." Jimin glares at me.

Unconsciously, my eyes dart to Jimin's ass constricted by his uniform pants. I most definitely did not exaggerate.

"That is 100% your butt." I clarify. "I hate to admit it but, it's true."

And wait a minute! He's getting mad?!

"Weren't you the one who volunteered? Weren't you the one who bawled their eyes out after seeing this? You have no right to get mad at me."

Jimin grabs the collar of my shirt and sinks his glaring eyes into my soul.

"Shut the hell up. I was only being nice."

"The crying?" I raise a brow.

"I-I don't know why I cried. Honestly, I don't remember too much when I switch."

Pulling his hand off of my collar, I gently push Jimin away. He looks at the ground as if it is a golden flag. He must respect it with his eyeballs because his eyes are always freaking glued to the floor.

As we stand there, a question that's been circling my mind appears front and center in front of my vocal cords.

"Why'd you volunteer?" It's been bugging me since day one. Why did he offer to be my model?

Out of pity for me possibly failing art? Because he's just oddly kind-hearted? Or is it...because he likes me?

Jimin only shrugs and walks past me once the bell rings over our heads.

Man, what a rude bastard. I'll get an answer out of him. I swear on my Grandfather's third nipple.

"Pwetty." Jimin admires the view of my neighbor's outrageously, extravagantly, colored and designed garden. Spring just started and somehow, they popped a brand new garden out of their asses.

Old people and their priorities. It'd be more entertaining playing games than gardening.

Jimin stares at the garden, his thumb resting on his lips. Just before his thumb enters his mouth, I pull his hand away.

"You only suck your thumb when you're sleeping."

"Whyyyy! I wan it!" Jimin throws a tantrum and throws himself on the sidewalk, kicking his legs up. This little-

"Here!" I stuff his favorite pacifier into his mouth.

"Tigee." Jimin giggles as he sucks on the tiger designed pacifier. This guy...is truly a child.

"Get off of the dirty ground." I hoist him up, dusting his clothes off.

"I no get punishy?" He looks at me with those big, innocent eyes.

"Do you think you need to be punished?"

"No! Jimin good boy!" He bounces on his feet. I can't help but laugh.

"Let's go."

Currently, this weekend, the Parks have left the damn country. Of course, they refuse to bring Jimin along with them. So, here I am, taking Jimin over to my house until his abusive parents come back.

Honestly, if he's away from them, I'm happy. But now I have to take care of him in my own personal space. This is going to be interesting.

After a 30 minute walk from his house to mine, we finally see my less than average house. Since I'm lugging a heavy suitcase and a heavy baby bag, I ring the doorbell instead of looking around for my keys.

Jimin clings onto my arm as he suckles on his pacifer. He's scared. Hell, I am too. This will be his first time meeting my dad. That muscle junkie is full of surprises.

"No meanies?" Jimin asks quietly.

"They are very nice. Weird but nice." I reassure him.

The door clicks open, my mother appears with a bright smile on her face.

"Jimin!" She opens her arms expecting a hug.

Jimin looks at me for permission. I tell him go ahead.

My mother engulfs Jimin into a big hug.

"Aww! Look at you! So cute! And you smell like a baby, I love it." Mom pinches Jimin's cheeks, he giggles uncontrollably.

"Honey!" We walk into the house. "Come meet Jimin!"

"My boy's boy?" Dad runs out of the garage into the living room. "Jimin!"

Oh my God. Jimin legit squeals like a child when my dad picks him up and twirls him around.

"Damn! You weigh nothing!" My dad is freaking holding Jimin up in the air. Jimin continues to giggle uncontrollably. "You need some more meat in your diet!"

No dad. You're just insanely strong, damn muscle brain.

"My Kookie boy treating you right?"

Jimin nods his head at my dad.

"Attaboy!" Soon my dad starts to tickle Jimin. His pacifier pops out of his mouth as he laughs loudly from my dad's strong, terrible tickling. A chuckle rumbles in my throat from seeing them bond.

"Dinner's ready!" Mom yells from the kitchen.

"Come on champ!" My dad–once again!–lifts Jimin up and carries him into the kitchen.

Reminds me of when I was a kid. Ah, memories. Jimin being here just lights up the house.

"Daddy?" Jimin stares at me from the doorway of the kitchen. "Why you no commie?"

A smile spreads on my face as I begin to walk towards the kitchen. "I'm coming."

"Oh yeah! Pay up baby!" My dad shouts.

"Dammit. I know for sure Jungkook will call him baby boy next." My mother's voice.

Are they–another bet?! I swear these two are unbelievable!

"Stop betting on us!"

Jimin giggles as he watches me and my parents quarrel over something so stupid.

Tonight, this was the happiest I've ever seen Jimin. Since he's always living in a hostile environment, being in a carefree, bizarre environment like my home must be refreshing.

And one thing for sure, I know he feels loved right now.

me = *soft*
Thanks for reading!

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