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"Is dat a bwutt cwack?" Jimin laughs at the drawing of the guy's butt crack that disturbed me during Ms. Lion's class.

"Ignore that one." I turn the page.

"I wan see it." Jimin whines. I turn to the page of my newest drawing. Jimin's whines cease and his eyes twinkle with interest.

It's been about two months of let me say, babysitting. I am one rich seventeen year-old minus that majority of my money goes to my mother for the bills but, nonetheless, I am making money.

I've gotten used to Jimin being a "little". It has been very interesting.

For one, he's a mega crybaby. He'll cry if you don't acknowledge his existence and he'll really cry when you yell at him for doing something wrong. Overall, Jimin is a crybaby.

I also learned that his parents hate the fact that he acts like this. Hence why they don't have any things to keep Jimin entertained when he's in littlespace.

All he's got is two sippy cups and some cozy pajamas. I'm sure they wanted to have a normal son but, the least they could do is accept him for who he is, like I have.

Every day at school, I put up with his nonsense. His bullying is still at large and just the other day, a species of the anime guild ran up to me, begging Jimin to stop torturing him.

"Please Jungkook! Save me from his evil claws!" The kid pulled on my uniform and snot ran down his nose. Gross man.

"No can do. I have no power over Jimin's actions." And I plucked the geek off of my body and headed to my sanctuary of books.

Since this gig has started, people have noticed that Jimin doesn't bother/bully me anymore.

They're shocked that the school's number one loner can have a decent conversation with the school's most defile delinquent. I'm shocked too.

Jimin is aggressive with everyone but once he sees me, he becomes less aggressive. I have seen him in his vulnerable state. And trust me, if he pushes my buttons too hard, I'll expose him in a heartbeat.

Not like anyone would pay attention to what I say though. I've always been in my own world since I was a kid.

No friends, no social groups, no teacher's pet: nothing. Nada. Zilch. I am just me: Jeon Jungkook. The boy with way too much time on his hands and a personality that could care less about yours.

Oh, I am great.

"I wan color dis won!" Jimin grabs my sketchbook and waves it in the air. His feet kick up as he giggles happily.

"I'm not finished with this one."

"But, I wan..." Jimin stares at me earnestly.

"But, you can't. Color this one." I turn to a finished drawing of a cat that I saw outside in gym.

Jimin crosses his arms and pouts.

"Mkay. I don't have to let you color." I reach for the color pencils. He grabs my hand gently.

"Nooooo! I sowwy."

"Good boy." I pat his head and leave to go make him some dinner.

"Can I haves wammy moo moo?" Jimin asks as I almost enter the kitchen.

"Yes you can." I reply with a smile. Ha! I have mastered this little language!

I've even made a dictionary titled "Da babbies site words". Incorrect spelling on purpose.

Wawa = water

Moo moo = milk

Wammy = warm

The most interesting one he's said recently is:

Poofy gummy sweet bwalls = grapes

I have an entire list of Jimin's language. Man, I could sell this and become even richer. Aw man....why do I act like I'm already rich?

After I warm up some milk, I pour the milk into one of his two sippy cups. Once I hand him his cup, he thanks me adorably.

Now, time to conquer this damn kitchen.

I wish dinner could be made like in the SIMS. You press a button, your hands move in the same motion for like 20 seconds and boom! Food is ready.

Unfortunately, in real life much more happens during the process of cooking. And the fact that you have to pay attention at all costs or else you'll burn the house down makes a huge difference.

Like my poor father. He burned water when I was younger. I repeat, he burned water. How does one do such a thing? Who knows. My father is a unique muscle head.

After we finish eating dinner, delicious ramen, we settle in for the night and watch some TV. Well, I watch TV. Jimin's hell-bent on finishing his coloring.

"You done?" I ask as he colors diligently.

"Nuh uh." He shakes his head. His long brown hair falls over his eyes, I push it back for him.

He needs a serious hair cut. He's too scared of barbershops to even fathom the idea. His hair is almost to his shoulders, once it starts to get annoying for him, he'll cut it.

"Finishy!" He exclaims happily. "It cute, wight?" He shows me the nicely colored picture of the cat on the grassy fields of our school yard.

"Very cute." I praise him, another weakness I've discovered. He smiles.

"Hey daddy?"


"Can I get me piwoah?"

"Yeah sure." I watch as he runs upstairs.


Did he just call me daddy?! What in God's name!

He skips down the stairs and sits beside me. My eyes drill into his soft face.

"Why did you just call me daddy?"

"You're my daddy!" He cheers loudly.

"Woah, woah! I am not your daddy!" His father is clearly out banging his wife in a secret hotel or something.

"Yesh, you are. Daddy." Jimin giggles as he hides his face in his pillow.

"I am not your daddy!"

Jimin squeezes his pillow tightly. Those sad eyes stare at me blankly.

"Otay." He turns to watch the TV.

Oh c'mon! You can't just look at me like that and then act like everything is fine.

"Ugh. Fine. I'm your daddy." I give in.

Jimin's eyes light up and he jumps into my arms. For someone who fights so much, he feels abnormally light as his lean body is squished against mine.


"Dear God, what have I done." I rub his back.

New term in the book "Da babbies site words":

Daddy = me

hunger = me
Thanks for reading!

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