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Mmhmm. Yep, this is something that I never knew that would happen in my life but, it's already here. Accept it, Jeon.

You're sitting here looking at ideas on how to punish "littles" and you are discovering that this entire ordeal is fairly sexual and frankly, kinky.

"Daddy?" Jimin asks from his spot in the corner of his room.

"Who told you, you can talk?"

"My tum tum hwuts." He pouts as he rubs his stomach.

"Hungry? Or do you have to pee?" Either one of the two options is the source of his pain.


Twinkle = tinkle/pee

"Go ahead." I refuse to clean up a grown man's piss. Jimin scurries into his bathroom. I turn back to my laptop.

Now, time to conquer this fiasco. How do I punish him without making it sexual?

I'm not like typical teenagers, who crave sex and attention at every minute. Trying to look cool and acting barely mature. Trust and believe, no matter how many times you have sex, you could still be immature. Idiots.

For me, I don't care about that kind of stuff. I care about my video games, my drawings and this job that's giving me potential college money. If I can control Jimin's anger, who knows what raise I will get!

I hear Jimin's feet pitter patter on the carpet as he goes back to his corner.

"Did you wash your hands?" I turn to him.

"Yes daddy." He nods his head. A smile threatens to form on my face.

Oh my God. I kind of love how obedient he is. I must be losing my damn mind.

Which makes me think...I could let him humiliate himself. Nah. That'll be too cruel. Maybe put him in timeout for the rest of the night? No...that'll be too soft on him, he's used to it.

What's something I can do that will scar him into behaving at school? Think Kook...think!

"You otay, daddy?" Jimin cocks his head to the side as he looks at me. "You wook sickies."

Wook = look

I look sick huh? I remember when I used to pretend I was sick back in them old days. Mom would whoop my ass into oblivion because I lied. Ha...I got whooped.....

Bingo! I got it!

After resting my laptop on the desk, I get up and sit on the edge of Jimin's bed.

"Come here." I beckon Jimin over.

"Why?" Jimin looks at me with scared eyes.

"Your punishment. Come."

Jimin slowly gets out of his corner. He makes his way towards me as he plays with the hem of his white button-up. I instruct him to lay over my lap, in which he does so obediently.

Jimin's oddly, beautifully sculpted butt fills my vison. Maybe it's the uniform pants but this could be a woman's butt for God's sake, damn.

I smack my hand onto his butt, he jumps. Just like when my mom did it.

"Owie! Why daddy?" Jimin turns his head to look at me. I turn his head back to facing forward.

"It's your punishment. I'm going to spank you for getting into that fight."

"I's sowwies. I no wanna get spankies."

"I'm going to give you..." How many should I give him? 10? 15? "Twenty spanks."


"And you're going to count them. No crying either or else you'll get 10 more spanks. You understand?"

"Yes daddy." He nods his head.

Good. Now, I can do this thing that I never thought I'd be doing! Spanking my classmate's butt as a punishment! What has my life become? Because I can't believe I'm doing this.

The first spank is relatively soft, nothing too major. However, by the tenth spank, my brain's anger really kicks in.

My hand swings down faster and harder than before, the sounds of the spanks get louder, and Jimin audibly showcases his pain.

"Twelve. Ah! Thirteen!" Jimin yelps.

By the twentieth spank, my hand strikes down way harder than I meant it to and Jimin feels the entire blow.

"Tweeny!" He whimpers as he grips his bed sheets.

"Good boy." I rub my hand on his probably aching butt cheeks.

"Jimin did good?" He sits up, his face flushed red.

"Yes, you did." I pinch his cheeks. "Don't get into another fight, you hear me?"

"Yes daddy. I no do dat no more." He shakes his head cutely. So precious.

I tell him he can go color if he wants to. There's nothing else he can really do in littlespace. He needs some toys or something to keep himself entertained.

"Ouchies!" Jimin howls in pain as he tries to sit down.

"My bummie hwuts!" He holds his butt.

Bummie = booty/butt

"You'll get over it." Yes! I just unlocked a new character in my game! It took me months!

"Daddy? Whatchu doing?" Jimin stares at me strangely.

I inform him that I am playing a very important game. Life or death situation here and he completely believes my lies.

C'mon little Jimin. You gotta get smarter than that.

The remainder of the night goes by as it usually does. Jimin takes a shower, puts on his pajamas and then he colors until he drops.

As I tuck in his sleeping body, Jimin murmurs in his sleep about his "bum bum".

I still can't believe I did that today. Spanked someone's butt, have someone listen to me so obediently, have someone feel pain because of my actions...hmm. I think I understand why sadists are sadists. And why captains like being captains.

It's satisfying being the boss of someone.

jk slapped dat ass (:
Thanks for reading!

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