A Favor

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After managing to get Ryujin to leave, even though she refused to time and time again, Yeji was sad she had to go. She knew the athlete didn't want to leave her alone in such a mess, but there was no other choice.

The way Ryujin latched on to her incredibly concerned made her heart flutter, but it also caused the anger her mother had to increase rapidly. Mama Hwang was yelling from the very start, filled from head to toe with rage. Yeji knew in that moment that this was probably not the way her mom needed to find out, but she didn't regret not one damn thing. In her opinion, she deserved to be happy. Had her mom stopped scolding her for a minute and heard her out despite her anger, then perhaps this would've played out much differently.

"I demanded you not associate with her, and the moment I return home from a long day at work, I catch you both making out?!"

"Mom, you don't understand." The young Hwang tries to speak calmly, knows better than to yell back. "Please just listen to me for a minute."

"Why should I accept what you have to say when you refused to listen to me?!"

She continues to try pleading with her mother, both inside their home, and walks closer to fill a portion of the small gap between them. "If you would just give me a chance to explain— "

"There's nothing left to say! Now hand me your phone, I forbid you to talk to her!"

Yeji complies, doing precisely as her mom says. She figures that no matter what she tells her, she'll never listen because she just thinks she's right. She feels that, although she may have taken last night a little too far, she knows what she's doing, and that her mom should show some trust in her decisions considering she never disobeys her or acts out.

Now inside her room, she snuggles up against the pillows, trying her best not to cry. She wraps the sheets tightly around herself in hopes of recreating the warmth she felt previously. She wishes her mother would realize she knows her better than that. All she ever does is try to make her proud. This is all so frustrating.

If it were anyone else, Yeji would consider if this disobedience is worth it or not... But this is Ryujin, and Yeji doesn't like that her mom thinks so badly of someone who never really meant to cause any harm.

The brunette went to sleep that night worried about not herself, but how Ryujin might be feeling right now. She couldn't contact her, by force of her mother, and it's not like she had her own car to go see her. So she came to the conclusion that she would have to hold out until Monday if she wants to speak with the athlete again.

Her mom can't make her miss school forever.




"Chaeryeong, I'm scared!"

"Okay! Hold on, slow down."

"I didn't want to leave, but she kept pushing me to! I'm so nervous! I want to know if she's okay, and I'd turn back around and go check on her, but her mom was so mad and— "

"I said slow down! You're talking like a hundred miles per hour, damn."

Ryujin's leg shakes faster as she drums her fingers on the table. She's currently home alone sitting in the dining room. Immediately after arriving, she called her friend, specifically Chaeryeong because she lives down the street from Yeji. After informing her of what happened less than thirty minutes ago, she wanted to ask Chaeryeong to check up on Yeji tomorrow, too afraid of how the principal might react had she herself shown up.

"I'm just... I'm really nervous."

The blue-haired girl's tone symbolizes her fear, but Ryujin knows the situation is far worse than she'll be able to describe. Finding the words to accurately explain it is hard on its own. After all, less than an hour ago she found out Yeji's mother didn't like her. Or rather, it was confirmation regarding the principal's behavior.

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