Not the End

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"Why do I feel like this is going to be something I won't like?" She looked at her father worryingly.

"Hey, is it raining outside already?"


Her dad fumbled with his wallet, the only thing in his hands to fidget with, wondering how he should word this. Her parents didn't expect this when they were on their way, it was crazy news to them. Their daughter now having a girlfriend would make them want to reconsider any original thoughts. "Ryujinnie... we were considering moving— "

"Moving?!" Ryujin didn't mean to cut him off with an outburst, but she had no control over it. This couldn't be happening. Not now of all times.

"We didn't think when we'd return that you'd have someone tying you back here. But— "

"Even if I didn't have Yeji, I have my other friends. I grew up here. I've been here my whole life. Why is it all of a sudden you want to strip me away from it all??"

"Sweetie, hear us out."

In fear of disrespecting her parents, and starting an unnecessary argument, Ryujin decided she needed to cool off and breathe before continuing this conversation.

"If you'll excuse me, I need some air." The door slammed behind her, and outside she held her back against it before walking off.

Meanwhile inside, Yeji was left with Mr. and Mrs. Shin. The young girl was quite lost about how to handle this new and scary situation. Her girlfriend's mom looked away from the door and to her. "She's always been a tad bit hard-headed." She sighed before continuing. "But Yeji, with this newfound information, we have no intention of separating you two."

Though those words were comforting, Yeji hesitated. She wants to excuse herself and hurry after her girlfriend. The only reason she stayed put up until now was because of how calm and collected the adults were about the situation.

"She's right. We know how much our daughter cares for you, we could never do such a thing."

She struggled to hide how those words affect her, but with the Shins confirming how much Ryujin talked about her, she couldn't help but blush. Nervously, she fidgeted with her fingers, a question plaguing her mind. "Uhm... I know it's not my place to ask, but..." she glanced at the door before returning her attention to them. "May I ask why the sudden decision?"

"My mom.. her grandmother, is extremely ill. I'm her only child, and my dad is no longer around. I'm the only person she can rely on, so she needs my help. We were planning to be gone for a few months." Mrs. Shin pulled out a chair and took a seat. "We knew she had friendly ties here, people that were important, but we thought it'd be okay if we were only gone for a few months."

Yeji's lips parted, again and again, unsure how to respond. "I- t- that's awful. I- I'm so sorry."

She recalled faint memories of Ryujin's grandmother. She lived a few hours away and didn't have the money to make consistent visits. After Grandpa Shin had passed, Ryujin's family would always send money and try to get her to live closer. Although, she refused, stating that the house she lived in was like a piece of her husband that she held dear to her heart.

"Don't be. It's nobody's fault. It's sad but expected. She's aging and there's no stopping that."

"It's true, we can only make the best of the time we have left. And, after all, we know we aren't the best parents. Because of our work, we are hardly ever around, which we know takes a toll on her. Still, we try to give our daughter what she wants. We want to see her happy." Mr. Shin approached their guest, sticking out his hand to properly greet her. "It's nice to see you around again, Yeji. Please don't worry. We're willing to work something out."

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